Wednesday 28 January 2015

4 issue Test #3 - Batman Eternal

Sorry this one doesn't look too good, pity they write in white in this one
What was originally going to be a Gotham Academy review had to be delayed owing to the release date being too close to the review date, so let’s dig into the first 4 issues of the series: Batman Eternal, the mini-series to celebrate Batman’s 75th Anniversary and see how good or otherwise it is.

Sunday 25 January 2015

Guilty Pleasures #12 - Frozen

It’s one of most Disney’s most popular animated films, heralded as a classic, and the best since the Lion King. Many people also think it’s highly overrated, and I’ve seen criticisms ranging from ‘it’s too scary for children’ (it’s no scarier than the Lion King) and ‘it promotes homosexuality’ (can these people just leave the internet now, clearly you belong in a world before internet existed so...)

So, in what is in no way an attempt to maximise viewer-ship of my site, let’s dig into Disney’s Frozen, and see what charms and see what jitters are to behold.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Agent Carter episodes 1-3 review

Marvel has a new venture, a mini-series delving into the life and antics of Captain America's former love interest, Peggy Carter. Bridging the gap between now and the return of SHIELD in March, can this show live up to it's hype, let's dig into the first 3 episodes and find out

Sunday 18 January 2015

TV Retrospective: Arrow Season 2 episodes 10-12 review

It's been another week since the last one, so here's a new retrospective on Arrow episodes

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Guilty Pleasures #11 - Doctor Who: Last Christmas


I have a love-hate relationship with Doctor Who in general, but even more so with the Christmas specials. The first 2 were decent, the next 2 were terrible, let's not talk about The End of Time, A Christmas Carol was average, The Doctor The Widow and The Wardrobe was awful, The Snowmen was meh and the Time of the Doctor was disappointing.

So you can imagine my expectations were not high looking into Doctor Who: Last Christmas, especially since it promises the involvement of Santa. I'm not a big fan of the more silly episodes of the show, and with Santa involved I was expecting a silly episode, boy was I wrong.

This barely counts as a guilty pleasure, but I promised I'd do a long review, and it's certainly not a rage issues topic, so let's dig into Doctor Who: Last Christmas and see what capacity Santa can possibly serve in a serious story.

Sunday 11 January 2015

TV Retrospective: Arrow Season 2 episodes 7-9 review

Welcome back, it's only been a week since the last one (don't get used to it) but we're back to look at Arrow once again

Thursday 8 January 2015

#15 Doctor Who: The Wedding of River Song

Happy 2015 everyone, I know it’s been 3 months, but we’re back and to be honest, after raging about the Last Airbender for 6000 words, I was glad of the break. Let’s see what we’ve got for the return…

Oh boy… 2015 is not starting well.

For those of you who have read my previous Doctor Who reviews know I have a sort of love/hate relationship with the show. There are episodes I love, and those I hate, like Robots of Sherwood and this episode.

Sunday 4 January 2015

TV Retrospective: Arrow Season 2 episodes 4-6 review

It's Arrow o'Clock, finally

Let's dig into episodes 4-6 and see what's what

Saturday 3 January 2015

4 issue test #2 - Teen Titans (DCYou)

I love the Teen Titans, before the New 52, before Felecia D Henderson ruined just about everything just for JT Krul to a decent job at reviving it from the brink but then came the New 52. I read the first few issues of the new 52 Teen Titans, I currently own the first vol trade, which is OK and the culling, which is a confusing messy piece of sh*t (maybe another time but Linkara covered it fairly well) and of course of the worst thing ever to happen to Tim Drake, issue 0. At this point, I gave up on Lobdell’s area of comics (Titans and Superboy and there was no way in hell I was picking up his Superman book) but the book was cancelled and then rebooted with a new team on board. So, I figured I’d take a look.

Taking the helm of Teen Titans is Will Pfeifer. His works include Amazons Attack, a story that despite the Amazonian nature, barely features Wonder Woman (and go ahead and watch Linkara’s video on that too) and has barely written anything at all since 2008. OK… those are not good signs, let’s dig into the first 4 issues of Teen Titans and see if it’s any good.