Thursday 22 October 2015

The Flash Season 2 episodes 2-3 review - Flash of Two Worlds/The Family of Rogues

So, I've calmed down from my ranting of 2 weeks ago, and now I bring you more fair reviews of the following 2 episodes, until something else bugs me

Tuesday 20 October 2015

4 issue Test #12 - JLA (Justice League of America)

So, time for another continuity bubbled Justice League. The regular continuity with the Justice League titles is one giant clusterf*ck. The way I see it, Geoff Johns’ League is a pre-convergence story, since it features Bruce Wayne as Batman and a fully powered Superman (although I haven’t seen him do his super-solar flare (yeah, that was added recently because if there’s one thing Superman really didn’t need it’s another new power)) this I can only imagine takes place in the 5 years between the opening Justice League story, and the second, that’s a 5-year gap, give or take.

How does this story hold up? Let’s take a closer look

Friday 16 October 2015

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 1 review - The Lost Commanders

Star Wars Rebels is back and that's really all I have to say, let's see what the season opener has to offer

Thursday 15 October 2015

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 Episodes 2-3 review - Purpose in the Machine/A wanted (inhu)man

When we last left we saw desperation hit many of our main characters as they deal with the fallout from the finale to season 2, let's take a look at how that fallout begins to take shape

Tuesday 13 October 2015

4 issue Test #11 - Martian Manhunter

I know, I'm using issue 2, but my photo-editing skills are limited and this one was easier, kay?

Martian Manhunter is one of the characters most shafted in the New52. Once a high profile member of the Justice League, he was initially reduced to a member of Jim Lee’s Wildstorm team, Stormwatch which had been integrated into the regular DC Universe with very limited success. He then became a member of Amanda Waller’s JLA until the Trinity War and subsequent Forever Evil lead to the team being disbanded.

He then joined the JLU and has been part of their adventures. I believe they’re still ongoing but this title is his first solo outing since the New52 and another part of the DCYou lineup. How does it hold up? Well, let’s take a look.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Doctor Who Series 9 Episode 4 - Before the Flood review

Ah, Moffatt era, your isms are all over this episode, don’t ever change, not that you ever have before.

Thursday 8 October 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episode 1 review - The Man Who Saved Central City

So, The Flash is back for its second season. And it's first season was really good, so we should hopefully expect the same from the second

Apologies to my readers this is going to be less of a review and more me ranting about a plot point.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

4 issue test #10: Robin - Son of Batman

Just a heads up, initially I had planned to review Justice League of America next week, but as the 4th issue has been delayed to the 14th October, after I plan to put out the review, it'll have to wait till the week after, instead Martian Manhunter next week, but for now

Damian Wayne, now this is a character with some history. Which I’m gonna briefly overview just to make things easier

Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. After events Damian ends up rejecting his mother and joining Batman’s side as Robin. Talia creates a clone of Damian called the Heretic that ends up killing him in a bloody battle. In what I’ve got to confess I haven’t read but sounds like the most ridiculous moment in comics Batman travels to Apokolips to try and revive his fallen son. He does so, temporarily granting him super-powers although though they wore off before this issue.

A lot has changed in the Batman books recently. In a final battle with the Joker, Bruce died with his long-time adversary. Whilst both will be back eventually we currently have Jim Gordon Bat-Bot in Gotham (I’m currently not collecting any bat-titles aside this one and Grayson until it’s resolved) and Robin off on his own. Let’s dig into Robin: Son of Batman and see whether or not it’s worth keeping this book.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Doctor Who Series 9 Episode 3 review - Under the Lake

It’s time for Moffatt to explore a more horror element, and this is where he tends to excel, are we in for something interesting here.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 episode 1 review - Laws of Nature

Agents of SHIELD has returned for its third season. When we last left the gang May had taken time off, Coulson lost his hand, Ward was manipulated into killing his own girlfriend and is building a faction of his own in HYDRA and of course the terragen crystal that creates inhumans dissolved into the ecosystem and is slowly spreading across the world. What’s next for Marvel’s premier superhero show?