Sunday 29 November 2015

Doctor Who series 9 episodes 10-11 review - Face the Raven/Heaven Sent

So, this week we have the episode where Clara dies and the first part of the finale, let's take a look.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Star Wars Rebels season 2 episode 7 review - Stealth Strike

Thanksgiving means I'm delivering yet another Star Wars Rebels review as once again, the Empire has a new weapon.

Sorry it's late, I've had a busy week. 

Tuesday 24 November 2015

#29 - Antboy

So, we’re in December, hooray… or something. Or not, thanks to Thanksgiving ruining my schedules this is being pushed forward into November

Time to look at our next lesser known movie

Oh f*ck. Ah, Denmark… I know so little about you it’s a little embarrassing. But your nation did create this abomination, so I don’t think I’ll be making a tourist visit any time soon. Filmed in 2012, this film is infamous for a very expensive costume, the costume of the lead. Hell, it was so expensive, apparently Oscar Dietz, the actor who plays our lead couldn’t eat whilst wearing it… 250,000 euros spent on this costume, and good grief let’s just get on with this.

Thursday 19 November 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episodes 6-7 review - Enter Zoom/Gorilla Warfare

Schedule note: Because of Thanksgiving both The Flash and Agents of SHIELD will not be airing next week, unfortunately that means a triple episode review of Agents of SHIELD when we're at mid-season break. The reviews of Doctor Who and Star Wars Rebels will continue unopposed. 

With that out of the way, let's look at the next 2 episodes of the Flash

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Guilty Pleasures #23 - Robot Overlords

To draw this year to the close, I’m going to be looking at 4 lesser known films and 1 big but ultimately sh*t adaptation. The first of these is Robot Overlords

Made in my home country of the United Kingdom (the word British is used by Politicians and Marketing companies, it’s rarely used by English/Scottish/Irish people, at least few that I’ve heard) anyway, this film was released in the UK in 2014 and in the US in 2015

Made with a low $21m budget, it doesn’t appear that film got a wide release, only being in 30 cinemas in the UK, as such what research I found seems to imply that this film did not make a return on that budget. The few critics that rated it on Rotten Tomatoes found in their favour, gaining a 60% rating, but it only rates 23% with audiences. IDMb ranked it somewhere in between with a 4.6/10.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Doctor Who Series 9 Episodes 8-9 review - The Zygon Inversion/Sleep No More

OK, I'll get this out of the way first. This is a review blog. I'm not here to provide commentary on the atrocities that have occurred in the last few weeks (my condolences to anyone who lost someone in any of those attacks). In perspective, obviously my rage of a couple of episodes of a British TV show is relatively small potatoes. But I do so, with some comedic intent, hope it might make someone smile.

With that said, let's take a look at one of the best and one of the worst episodes this season of Doctor Who with The Zygon Inversion and Sleep no more

Tuesday 10 November 2015

4 issue Test #14 Cyborg

Half man, half machine, all awesome. Cyborg is a character worthy of his own title. No background for this one, let’s just dig right in

Friday 6 November 2015

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 4 review - Brothers of the Broken Horn

Well, the last episode showed promise, let's take a look at the next one and see how they follow that up

Thursday 5 November 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episodes 4-5 review - The Fury of Firestorm/The Darkness and the Light

Just as a point of interest, I saw Arrow's crossover with Constantine and have kept enough of an eye on the story that I could follow it. It was good, I'm not overwhelmed but it was good. Constantine needed to be a bit more a b*stard if they wanted to fully embrace his character but his presence added to the more light-hearted tone they've been going for. Yes, I will be reviewing both halves of the Flash/Arrow crossover that's imminent plus I'm told the last 2 episodes of both shows will lead into Legends of Tomorrow, so I'll be reviewing both of those as well. I'm not watching Gotham and I'm sorry that Supergirl has also been shafted.

With that all said, let's dig into the next 2 episodes of The Flash

Tuesday 3 November 2015

4 issue Test #13 - Batman and Robin Eternal

The weekly miniseries is something DC brought back in 52, an excellent title written by 4 renowned writers focusing on the minor heroes in the DC Universe after the big 3 were taken off the table thanks to infinite crisis

Then came Countdown, an awful work head-written by great writer Paul Dini and a load of crappy writers intended to set up an event it didn’t set up, kill things without mercy and push tie-ins wherever it could. It was awful and killed the miniseries off for a while. With the New52 came 3 new mini-series. Future’s end, Earth 2: World’s end, neither of which I’ve read but I can’t say I’ve heard great things about, and Batman: Eternal, intended to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman, which I did a 4 issue test of in January despite the fact issue 4 came out in April of the previous year.

Batman: Eternal was reasonably well written and successful enough that a 26-issue second mini-series Batman and Robin Eternal, this time celebrating the 75th anniversary of Robin. I don’t like to give too much background as I feel a new title should provide that anyway. But it’s best to know that during the Batman story endgame. Batman and his long-time nemesis the Joker ‘died.’ James Gordon became a fully police sanctioned Batman with a robotic suit as he lacks the skills Batman had. Bruce has since returned, but with no memories of his time as Batman and lacking the skills.

I hate the idea of Jim Gordon as Batman, I’ll just go out and say it. I haven’t been picking up titles with him as the focus because Jim Gordon to me is the legal centre of Batman. He’s Batman’s ally in the police and the main difference between him and Batman is that he is a firm believer in the law. Becoming a vigilante is backwards for his character, and I hate the ro-bat suit. One other thing. Dick Grayson revealed himself to Robin, Red Robin, Batgirl and the Red Hood to be alive after his ‘death’ in Forever evil and becoming a super-spy (see my 4 issue Test of Grayson for more info)

OK, let’s take a look.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Doctor Who Series 9 Episode 7 review - The Zygon Invasion

Well, who would’ve thought arranging a peace treaty between humans and Zygons would end in disaster

Ah, yeah…