Wednesday 30 March 2016

Ratchetrospective: Ratchet and Clank

Welcome to the Ratchetrospective

Throughout the month of April (give or take a few days) I’ll be looking at the Ratchet and Clank games developed by the developer Insomniac Games (apologies for giving Size Matters the shaft but my PSP is non-operational at this point) in preparation for the Movie coming out this month. Here are my ground rules
  1. This will be based on a single play through of the game, no challenge modes
  2. These playthroughs will be from a new save file.
  3. I will not be covering the movie tie-in game, I want to avoid spoiling that - although be aware the plot will have similarities to the first game
  4. Spoilers will be covered in these reviews
  5. I will not be completing all skill points and gold/platinum/titanium bolt missions; I will be getting all Zoni in a Crack in Time
  6. I will not be exploring all the Insomniac Museums
  7. I will not be getting 100% on Collectathon Missions (except for Nexus, since it’s a requirement for the RYNO)
  8. I will not necessarily be completing all arena challenges
  9. I will be completing all optional help the ranger challenges in Ratchet and Clank 3 
  10. I will be completing all optional missions in Ratchet: Gladiator (Deadlocked)
  11. Multiplayer modes will not be covered in depth
  12. All games will be played Single Player – no co-op in Gladiator, All4One or Q-force
So, let’s dig into the one that started it all (and the one that inspired the movie) with Ratchet and Clank

Tuesday 29 March 2016

4 (well, actually 2) issue Test #26 - Starbrand and Nightmask

Ok, we have a little dilemma here. Starbrand and Nightmask was intended to be an ongoing series but the solicitations are in for June now and Starbrand and Nightmask are nowhere to be seen. It’s written by Greg Weisman, of course my conclusion is to recommend it, so I really don’t want to spoil 2/3 of the series.

So what I’m going to do is the first 2 issues only, 1/3 of the story, let’s take a look.

Friday 25 March 2016

Mini Review - Debug

Aside the odd episode of Doctor who, I rarely delve into the Horror Genre. Whilst many spent October celebrating Halloween with scary movies, I didn’t even do a movie review. Yeah… I don’t like horror movies; I don’t really get them… I don’t watch a movie to be scared, I watch to be entertained and I don’t associate the two like some people do. If you do like scary movies, that’s fine, all power to you

But like Doctor Who, our movie here has science fiction elements incorporated with the horror aspects. Debug is the brainchild of David Hewlett who would write and direct this movie. He was apparently inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, I wish I could go into that but I haven’t seen it (feel free to deduct nerd points for that) and his initial pitch was to do a story from the perspective of Hal 9000, the villain of the story. His argument was that Hal 9000 wasn’t so much a villain but someone defending his right to exist. His pitch was deemed too artsy and it got rewritten into this film

I was originally intending to do this as either a rage issues or guilty pleasure review, but there really isn’t enough material for me to cover in the 82-minute runtime for that. In fact, whilst I am giving this movie a re-watch for the review, I’m reviewing this off my initial watch, using the second to solidify the points I’m making. With that said let’s take a look

Tuesday 15 March 2016

4 issue test #25 - Daredevil

Well, I really enjoyed the Neflix series, so why not pick up the new comic and see what happens? Let’s see what happens.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Legends of Tomorrow Episode 8 review - Night of the Hawk

Legends of Tomorrow is about to undergo a mid-season break, in the mean time you can check out my thoughts on episode 8 right now

Thursday 10 March 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 episode 11 review - Bouncing Back

Agent Carter is gone but Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has returned, let's take a look at its comeback episode

Tuesday 8 March 2016

4 issue Test #24 - The Mighty Thor

Yeah... me using variant covers might become a thing, still it's one of the best-looking so far
When the God of Thunder became the Goddess of Thunder the move was marked with controversy. Sure, female superheroes are not many and move helps balance that, but is the right way? There’s no easy answer to that, despite what some people think. Here’s my view. Making Thor a woman (in the same way they made the Punisher black for a few issues) would’ve been a mistake because it's a stupid plot-line with an instant reverse button if things go wrong. Making a woman Thor is what Marvel actually did. Just like they made a Hispanic Spider-man (Miles Morales), a Black Captain America (Sam Wilson) etc. It’s not ideal, especially in the latter case where the man in question already had an alter-ego (the Falcon). But I’d take that over changing a character because universe reset – yeah, I’m talking to you DC Wally West!

Thursday 3 March 2016

Agent Carter Season 2 episodes 8-10 review

We're back where we were last year with the series drawing to a close, will it go out with a bang? Let's take a look

Tuesday 1 March 2016

4 issue Test #23 - Ms. Marvel

Here's another odd variant cover, since I had no blank one to use
Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel is another attempt to bring more diversity to Marvel’s line-up. She is a Pakistani-American and she is of Islamic faith. It is not often you see either of these traits represented in Superheroes. Simon Baz aka Green Lantern (yes, another one) is really the only other character of similar origins that I am aware of from the big two.

Of course, Kamala Khan was not the first to bear the name of Ms. Marvel, in fact she was the fourth but the person of note is Carol Danvers, who I mentioned in my Earth’s Mightiest Heroes review (take a look on the hub page) although I mistakenly named her as Miss Marvel rather than Ms. Marvel, apologies for that, cannot be assed to go and correct them.

But whilst she shares the name of Carol Danvers' former alter-ego (she became the full Captain Marvel) her powers are completely different, she’s more a shape-shifter type but I believe she can’t change into someone else, it’s more about growth and shrinkage of various parts of her own body.

We’ve met Ms. Marvel before. She plays the role of the carer for property damage (and has some awful dialogue) in All New All Different Avengers and she was a guest star way back in S.H.I.E.L.D. #2. The main title has earned massive critical praise in the past, can that continue here? Well, let’s finally dig into Ms. Marvel #1-4 and find out.