Tuesday 25 October 2016

#39 - Clockstoppers

Last time I did review of the crime against imagination known as the Games Maker. Looks like it’s a theme because here’s another one.

Clockstopers was released in 2002. For the record, let’s take a look at some other movies made in this period

So some good movies...

And some bad movies too, certainly a mixed year for movies

OK, I’ll stop the Spider-man bashing, yeesh

And it’s time to say hello to our old friends, Nickelodeon, the life support Network that can’t let cr*p like (recent – they were both good in their hayday) SpongeBob or Fairly Odd Parents die but cuts the budget of Korra forcing the production studio to cut corners with their animation. Thanks for that. This movie was brought out by Paramount and Nickelodeon movies, remind me, what I was it I reviewed from them before?

Ah. I see. Excuse me one moment

Where were we? Oh yes, Clockstoppers. Produced on a $20m budget, it made about $38m back, not really good enough and it holds a pathetic 28% on rotten tomatoes with a 30% audience approval rating. But let’s get this over with and dive in

Sunday 23 October 2016

Mini Review - Cowboys & Aliens

We have an interesting pairing here. James Bond meets Han Solo. This is Cowboys & Aliens

With the star power or Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig you’d figure this movie would be a success, but nope, made on a $160m budget, this movie bad a mere $173m, which by the time you address theatre cuts and promotional expenditure makes this movie ‘one of 2011’s most expensive flops’

But not all movies that are financial failures are necessarily bad movies, but this one seems to have committed a worse crime, being OK, a rating of 43% on rotten tomatoes with an equivalent audience score and average ratings of 5.5/10 and 3.1/5 respectively.

The movie was directed by Jon Favreau, who had just come off of Iron Man 2, intriguingly another movie that has the same audience approval rating as critic approval rating on rotten tomatoes. Robert Downey Jr was originally intended to play the lead but dropped out owing to the filming of Sherlock 2. Probably for the best

What do I think of the movie, well let’s take a look?

Friday 21 October 2016

Guilty Pleasures #30 - Ratchet and Clank

Video Game adaptations are a cursed breed, aren’t they? If they’re not critical failures they’re commercial failures, and that’s why it’s heart-breaking as a fan to see that Ratchet and Clank was a critical and commercial flop. Produced on a $20m budget, it made back only $13m, it would’ve needed to have made nearer $50m to be classified a success. The critics lambasted it and holds a staggering 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.

So are the critics right? Why did this movie fail? I have a few theories but there’s start by looking at the plot.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episode 1 review - Out of Time

Legends of Tomorrow is back!

Season 1 was a mixed bag in my opinion; it was more fun than its sister series(es) but leaned on the same element of stupid both of the other shows were suffering from. Cap that off with a villain who wasn’t compelling and the season fell short of my expectations. Having said that, it was good enough to be put on a trial run for the second season.

I’ll be definitely reviewing this up until the mid-season break (including the 4-part crossover coming) Should it excel, I’ll continue it for the rest of the series. If it doesn’t, I’ll see what I can do with Riverdale instead.

So, with that all out of the way, let’s take a look at season 2’s premiere, Out of Time

Thursday 13 October 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 Episodes 2-3 review - Meet The New Boss/Uprising

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. Ghost Rider continues with a week's break between episodes, here are my thoughts on episodes 2-3.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Editorial - my thoughts of various things

I decided to make an editorial on various topics I'm unlikely to cover in full or at least not any time soon. I will brief and relatively spoiler free for this so let's dive in

Thursday 6 October 2016

#38 - The Games Maker

What do you think of when you hear a title like that? I think of creativeness above all else. Too bad this movie really doesn’t do it for me. The Gamesmaker was released in 2014 and has 40% rotten tomatoes rating with a 47% with audiences.

We have another Signature one here, man do they keep cropping up. Such gems as Debug, Norm of the North, Kung Fu Rabbit, Barely Lethal, Robot Overlords, Time Runners (coming next year), and a fair few others owe their existence to signature. I don’t know whether to send them flowers or a hand-grenade, although I’m veering toward the hand-grenade.

But their last movie with a child protagonist, Robot Overlords was my favourite of the ones I’ve watched. (I’ve seen enough of Norm of the North to know it’s my least favourite – might’ve made my top 10 if it were last year) so without further ado, let’s give them a shot.

Monday 3 October 2016

Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 3 review - The Holocrons of Fate

Thanks to the delay of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Star Wars Rebels has returned a week early. Here are my thoughts on the latest episode, the Holocrons of Fate

Sunday 2 October 2016

4 issue Test #30 - Captain America: Steve Rogers

It was only a matter of time before we got to this one, although it took nearly 2 weeks for the final issue to arrive. This comic eared significant controversy over things I’ll discuss in depth. Nick Spencer does not strike me as an idiot, but it would be idiotic to assume this twist could escape controversy. For many outside of comics, Steve Rogers is Captain America so him coming back and reclaiming the mantle was inevitable and it happened during the Assault on Pleasant Hill crossover. A lot of the crossover did help set up this title, but I’ll give details as they happen. Let’s take a look and see if this infamous book offers something to soothe the burn.