Saturday 31 December 2016

New Years Eve special - Top 5 Rage Issues Cock-ups

OK, this was intended to be done in a lot of stages. I asked for input and nothing came, sadly so I'm having to improvise. But 2016 is over and there's a lot of cr*ppy movies, games and comics to review. 2017 will see me make a start with the Superman movies, hoping to cover 4 of them this year and returns in early 2018. We'll doing a few more DC rebirth reviews and looking briefly at some titles from Marvel Now 2.0, I'll be introducing a new review format which I'll explain later and hopefully I'll be doing a few more crossovers with GregsChan1. I hope to at the very least.

But today is about reflection. So let's take a look at my top 5 cock-ups that I myself have made up.

Friday 23 December 2016

Xmas Special - Arron Redbeard Adventures - The 12 Deaths of Christmas

Christmas has come once again and it’s time to look back at those mistakes you’ve made and work a little course-correction. I’ll try and do more of that with my next segment but for now, it’d be hypocritical if I didn’t once in a while trash my own stories. This is the 12 Deaths of Christmas.

Let’s start with the title. You can already tell this is going to be depressing. But it’s that and so much worse. Also, it’s a lie, there aren’t 12 deaths in this story. Depending on how you see it there could be a hell of a lot more.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Star Wars Rebels season 3 episodes 9-11 review - The Wynkathu Job/An Inside Man/Visions and Voices

We've entered hiatus period now, we'll down to one review/editorial a week until January. So let's start off with tying some loose ends and reviewing the episodes of Star Wars Rebels I'm yet to review.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Vixen season 2 review (CW Seed)

Vixen, whilst not a perfect series by any means was a good introduction to her character and good enough that she made a few appearances in live action and her mother is now a regular on Legends of Tomorrow. Also, a second series of web-shorts have been released further exploring her character. So, did it offer any improvements, let’s take a closer look

Tuesday 6 December 2016

#41 Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama

Remember Dazzler? I do. They’re the distributor who gave us Antboy, the terribly dubbed awfully acted piece of sh*t that stands in my top 10 least favourite things I’ve done a Rage Review on (guess the top 2, go on, it’s not that hard) anyway, I’m doing another review of a movie from that studio… fun times…

Captain Sabertooth is apparently a thing in Norway, with books, stage-plays, theme park attractions and a TV series. Here we have a movie adaptation badly dubbed into English. Yay… Because this is Dazzler media, I have to mention something about cost, this is the most expensive Norwegian kids movie ever made.

Released in 2014 during the massive hiatus of Pirates of the Caribbean due to their various production issues. The film gathered a mixed reception to say the least, it has a 5.7 rating on IMDb and a 0% audience approval rating on rotten tomatoes, although that’s based on just 5 ratings, compared to IMDb’s 406. But let’s see if this movie delivers the swashbuckling action I’d look for in a pirate movie.

Spoilers: No, it doesn’t.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Heroes v Aliens review

So, the 4 DC superhero shows are crossing over this week and they’re fighting the alien despots known as the dominators. This is big, so big I’m coming back for one last review, even reviewing an episode of a season I haven’t been watching.

Friday 2 December 2016

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ghost Rider Episode 7 review - Deals with our devils

I wouldn’t be surprised if next episode is the one that brings us into winter break… jeez, what a lot of material they have for it.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Uncharted 4 - A Thief's End Story mode review

It’s time to have a look at a video game for a change. We haven’t done one since the Ratchetrospective back in March. Let’s have a look at one of the year’s most anticipated games, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s end

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s end was a PS4 release but had a lot of trouble behind the scenes with the resignation of various members of the crew to the point where various parts of the game were completely redone. The behind the scenes ruckus lead to those who headed The Last of Us, Naughty Dog’s other hit PS3 game, to head the project and the result the story is significantly changed from its original intent. Hard to say if it’s for the better of the worse, no gameplay or story footage was ever released, just a teaser trailer.

But I don’t wish to judge what could have been, I’m more interested in the here and now, let’s start with the plot. Notes, if you don’t know the story of Uncharted 1-3, play them, they’re all good games, also this is spoiler heavy, you have been warned. I've added a few screenshots using the game's photo mode, but I forgot to turn off the ui on some of them, whoops.