Friday 31 March 2017

Time Month - Mini Review: Project Almanac

Now here’s a name that’s narrowly been escaping my radar these past few years, Michael Bay.

Yeah, if you’re a fan of Transformers or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles you’ve most likely heard of him. Not necessarily favourably either as a lot of problems keep repeating. In all honestly, I’ve never watched Transformers or the Ninja Turtles movies, I was a little young when this lot came out so it holds no nostalgic value for me. But I’m fully aware of problems people have with Bay movies, over-focus on side-characters, incomprehensible fight scenes, over-use of explosions and of course, the way he portrays female characters. Not to mention egregious product placement

But what about away from the nostalgic action films. Well, he did Pearl Harbour. Honestly it does say something when Transformer’s has best Rotten Tomatoes score of anything he’s directed since the 1996. But we’re not looking at something he directed, he only produced this movie but much like with the Ninja Turtles movies, you can see his influence none the less.

So, for this last instalment of Time Month

This is Project Almanac

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Finale review - Zero Hour

Well, we’re here. We’ve been building up to a major assault since September, does this pay it off?

Sunday 26 March 2017

Time Month: Mini Review - 2035: Forbidden Dimensions

We are coming to the end of Time Month

And despite my worries, the movies so far whilst not all brilliant and some fundamentally flawed haven’t been as bad as I worried they might be. Is that all about to change with the next one.

Yes. Yes it is

This is 2035: Forbidden Dimensions

Released in 2013 and also named ‘The Forbidden Dimensions,’ 2035 was produced on a mere $35000 budget and is said to pay homage to Mad Max. I have watched the Mad Max movies in preparation for this review. Also, even the worst and first of the Mad Max movies had a bigger budget ($350000-$400000), and that was in 1979.

It holds a whopping 1.7/10 on IMDb.

Again we seem to be looking at a passion project. Christopher James Miller holds credits in writing, acting, directing, editing, camera and electrical, animation, makeup and music. It’s kinda surprising he isn’t also a producer. He has a few credits to his name, some of them with decent IMDb ratings but nothing really in the public eye. So, will this impress?

Friday 24 March 2017

Time Month - Mini Review: Source Code

So, 3 more of these to go... Just 3 more

OK, Source Code, a film about crime-solving and parallel realities, sounds right up my street. And the performance is decent 7.5 IMDb, 92% on rotten tomatoes made 147.3m on a $32m budget, even won an award for the best original screenplay, this should be a good one right? Right? Please!

Sunday 19 March 2017

Time Month - Mini Review: Time Traveller

OK, we’ve had a break from the cr*p, now back to the cr*p, this is Time Traveller, a movie that has a mere 8% rating on rotten tomatoes and has undergone several changes in name depending on where it’s distributed. Great signs there.

Friday 17 March 2017

Time Month - Editorial - The wrong type of paradox?

It's Time Month

And it's time to look at a thorny issue with time travel, Paradoxes. Does a paradox in itself spoil the plot? Not usually but when a movie is careful with its time travel rules, it's often quite jarring to see them disregard them. I'm going to looking at examples across the board, not necessarily just things I've reviewed and see where they stack up. Spoilers ahead folks

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Guilty Pleasures #36 - Time Month - Day of the Doctor

Note: The Bulk of this review was written shortly before the passing of John Hurt. I have made minor alterations since but my opinion of this special is unchanged

It’s time Month!

And I’m still not recovered from Time Shifter’s awfulness I need something half decent to review.

Of course! Doctor Who is staple when it comes to time travel and the like, so tackling something like Doctor Who is an inevitable part of the month. And where Steven Moffat tends to excel is using time tricks in writing episodes, rather than just using the ability of time travel to have an episode set anywhere and any when.

Day of the Doctor uses a couple of those time tricks, it was also a special that celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, so it’s worth taking a look.

Sunday 12 March 2017

Time Month - Mini Review: Predestination

It’s Time Month!

And it’s time see a movie from the land down under. Predestination

Based on the short story “-All You Zombies-” (go figure that title) this is another labour of love, this time by the Spierig Brothers, who co-produced, directed and wrote the screenplay. It’s been critically well acclaimed, why? Well, let’s take a look.

Thursday 9 March 2017

#43 - Time Month - Time Shifters

Well, this had to come at some point… It’s Time Month

And we get the first and only Rage review out of the way with Time Shifters

I have literally no information about this one, Amazon customers gave it mostly negative reviews and that’s about all I found. Dunno if it’s been released as something else elsewhere but whatever it is, let’s just take a look.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Time Month - Mini Review: Synchronicity

It’s Time Month

And we’re looking at Synchronicity

Released in 2015 to say this had mixed reviews is… yeah, it’s about accurate. I really don’t have a lot of information about this one. Let’s just take a look.

Friday 3 March 2017

Time Month - Mini Review: Time Runners

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my ‘Pleasure?’ to welcome you to Time Month

Time travel is something used in books, TV shows and movies, both high and low budget ones. During the month of March, we’ll look at such movies and their varying qualities, plus a special episode of Doctor Who that needs covering. But before we get to that, let’s take a look at Time Runners.

Also known as 95ers: Echoes this movie was, by the looks of things, a passion project for Thomas Gomez Durham, who is credited for several things in the movie. It was funded, at least in part, by Kickstarter, giving him $17020, minus the cut taken by Kickstarter. Apparently, they’d already raised $150k, so… How does it hold up? Well let’s take a look.