Tuesday 31 January 2017

Guilty Pleasures #35 - Superman: The Movie (1978)

I’m just gonna put this on-record for everyone. Brace yourselves, this is a controversial opinion that I’m never gonna be able to take back...

Man of Steel sucks and Batman v. Superman sucks. I’ve already gone into detail about what I hate about Man of Steel in my review (plug) and I’ll be reviewing Batman v. Superman later this year. But before we do that, let’s take a look at the movies at the other end of the scale.

Superman: The Movie is one of the best rated superhero movies on Rotten Tomatoes, 93% puts it up there with the Dark Knight, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man and the Avengers. Note how The Dark Knight is the only other DC movie in the 90+s on Rotten Tomatoes. But we’re not here to judge the ratings, I’m here to judge it for myself, using modern sensibilities because I think it'll be funnier. Let’s dig into Superman: The Movie and see what this has to offer.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Riverdale Chapter 1 - The River's Edge review

So, the Archie universe is coming to TV in live action for the first time in over a decade. Being a massive fan of Mark Waid’s Archie reboot, I was interested to take a look, until details started coming out about the series and certain elements that I’ll address as this review goes on. Still pondering doing more with this series but for now, here’s my take on Chapter One: The River’s Edge

Thursday 26 January 2017

Guilty Pleasures #34 - Outcast

So, we start the year with my first review of a movie with an actor who might show up again a few times this year. Nicholas Cage.

Known for his comedic overacting, especially when it comes to bees, Nicholas Cage is down to do just about anything as long as he’s paid for it. Paired up with is Hayden Christensen, who I last saw back when I was reviewing the Star Wars prequels, now that was a while back. He could act well his body but it was ruined every time he opened his mouth. But, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

Released in 2015, this movie currently has a meagre 5% rotten tomatoes rating but it’s only based on the views of 21 critics, not many all things considered. But it’s hardly favoured well with audiences either with only a 22% audience rating.

How do I feel about? Let’s take a closer look.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Star Wars Rebels season 3 episodes 12-15 review - Ghosts of Geonosis/Warhead/Trials of the Darksaber

Rebels is back! Actually, it's been back for a few weeks and has just gone on another hiatus. But let's take a look at what came out

Sunday 22 January 2017

4 issue test #34 - Trinity

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in the same issue. Sold. Writer: Francis Manapul… ok, expectations lowered a bit.

Look, I have not read a lot of Francis Manapul’s work, I dropped the New 52 Flash after the first issue, I was less than impressed. And I’ve seen what happens when someone tries to do double duty as both writer and artist on the same title, JLA was not a great, sure it isn’t the same writer but the constant delays of a title like this worry me. But DC seems interested in getting titles out at their allotted time lately, so we have Clay and Seth Mann and Scott Anderson doing #3 and Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy and HiFi doing the art for #4. Could this ruin the feel of the book? Let’s take a look.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Guilty Pleasures #33 - Doctor Who: The Return of Doctor Mysterio

I know someone out there, somewhere is thinking I bash on Moffat too much and should probably review a Russel T Davies episode, there are many flawed episodes to look over from his era. But Moffat is clearly a talented writer with potential, and I hate to see this potential squandered time and time again. So, if you want someone to bash on Russel episodes, go watch Diamanda Hagan, in the meantime let’s take a look at the latest Doctor Who Christmas special.

OK, you know what you’re in for with a title like that. A fun superhero romp is how Peter Capaldi described it and I’m not against a lighter toned Christmas special, it is Christmas and if you want depressing, you can always watch the soaps. My problem is 'superhero'. Doctor Who has mixed with superheroes in the past but we now live in an era where superhero films make the big bucks, last year 6 DC or Marvel superhero movies came out and there’s no sign of the pace slowing up. There are TV shows dedicated to superheroes that are growing in popularity to the extent that they're expanding on an almost yearly basis.

What I’m saying here is that this isn’t the show trying something different, it’s the show cashing in on a popular trend, and it would have to pull out all the stops to convince me otherwise. So, does it? Let’s see

Friday 13 January 2017

#42 - Doctor Who - Hell Bent

It’s January and it’s time to correct a mistake with a review of Doctor Who’s series 9 finale, Hell Bent. Heaven Sent was a magnificent episode, featuring one of Capaldi’s greatest performances to date and was by the far the best episode of the series. What followed it was… it was bad, very bad and I was mistaken when I initially proclaimed it to be OK. Why have I changed my mind? Let’s take a look.

Friday 6 January 2017

4 issue Test #33- Gotham Academy: Second Semester


Time to look at DC Rebirth Again!

Not all DC Rebirth titles had rebirth specials. Neither of the two we’re covering this month did. Gotham Academy: Second Semester doesn’t even come under the rebirth banner at all. Gotham Academy had a decent start to it, but something went wrong just before December last year, one of Kerchl’s last issues was delayed and the following issues, following a yearbook anthology motif, were drawn by other artists, most notably Adam Archer, who you may remember drew the Ratchet and Clank comic.

In this series, Kerchl joins the squad as a writer, with Adam Archer providing the art all the way through. But does this affect the quality of the comic? Well, let’s take a look