Now here’s a
name that’s narrowly been escaping my radar these past few years, Michael Bay.
Yeah, if
you’re a fan of Transformers or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles you’ve most
likely heard of him. Not necessarily favourably either as a lot of problems
keep repeating. In all honestly, I’ve never watched Transformers or the Ninja
Turtles movies, I was a little young when this lot came out so it holds no
nostalgic value for me. But I’m fully aware of problems people have with Bay
movies, over-focus on side-characters, incomprehensible fight scenes, over-use
of explosions and of course, the way he portrays female characters. Not to
mention egregious product placement
But what
about away from the nostalgic action films. Well, he did Pearl Harbour.
Honestly it does say something when Transformer’s has best Rotten Tomatoes
score of anything he’s directed since the 1996. But we’re not looking at
something he directed, he only produced this movie but much like with the Ninja
Turtles movies, you can see his influence none the less.
So, for this
last instalment of Time Month
This is
Project Almanac