Monday 24 February 2020

Netflix Retrospective: Iron Fist Season 2 episodes 7-8 - Morning of the Mindstorm/Citadel on the Edge of Vengeance

We're returning to Iron Fist after Danny suffered yet another blow in his attempt to regain the Iron Fist Power, Davos broke his leg in the fight.

Morning of the Mindstorm

Danny is rushed to hospital, as a depressing song plays in the background. He’s put under as Misty and Colleen await news, with Ward arriving soon after they hear it. Danny’s having a brace installed into his leg, which means Davos did some serious damage. Colleen finally gets to see him, just as he wakes up. So yeah, things are looking pretty dire, roll credits.

Davos and Patchy are at the youth’s little hideout with Davos doing some redecorating and Patchy beginning the pitch, showing that he’s actually quite capable in a fight. When one of the kids draws a gun, Davos intervenes, continuing the pitch. He wants to recruit them to his cause and give them purpose. He’s offering them a home and training if they commit, and it seems to won most of them over.

Misty meets with the police captain in the area, Captain William Pike. Unfortunately, as Davos is ridding the area of organised crime, he’s not interested in dedicating resources to stopping him. One of his victims was Danny Rand, a high-profile victim whose company probably donates a ton of money to the police department, that’s something I’d take seriously. Sure, it’s doubtful Danny would testify but Misty knows what happened, and it’s not like Danny being hospitalised would be kept secret.

Misty updates Colleen on all this, adding further to Colleen’s frustrations since Danny’s recovery could well be a slow one, mentally as well as physically. Through all this, she’s also found time to look into the ledger she got a few episodes back, someone was paying in odd instalments, Colleen figuring it was a life debt for passage into the country. Danny manages to hobble his way home, tired of the hospital and still cracking jokes, man this is an improvement over season 1.

But it’s quickly down to business as Danny asks about Davos, and with support from the cops no longer an option, the only way to stop him is to repeat the ritual. The Crane Sisters are still on board, but they need the bowl. Danny remembers that Ward saw them at an art auction which is their next lead.

Danny’s still struggling to walk, but it’s his self-frustration that’s weighing on him. With fighting not really an option, Colleen suggests they head down to the shelter to spread the word. Misty meanwhile pays visit to Joy and I’m enjoying Misty looking at Joy like she’s scum because that’s basically what she is now. I mean, her turn is badly written to say the least, but at least someone can look at her without the baggage and tell her she’s scum straight to her face. Misty gets information on the auctioneer she blackmailed a few episodes back.

Colleen has come up with posters warning about the car Davos and Patchy have been using. Danny’s clearly struggling, putting blame on himself for Davos’ actions, and how his actions have put strain on their relationship. Funnily enough Colleen is far more understanding than you might expect. Danny still wants to reach out to Davos and believes there’s still good in him, and Colleen says she felt the same way about Bakudo, before his timely demise back in the Defenders.

We then see that things have not had a great effect on Ward, who’s speech in this scene is quite slurred, he’s in a low-rent pub, drinking his sorrows away. Coming to his aid is Bethany, continuing to be my least favourite character in the show. She wants to get him to a meeting and for once her advice is not terrible. When she realises, she can’t get through, she decides to leave and Ward gets aggressive, getting the bartender to hand his ass to him.

Speaking of handing asses, Davos crosses another name off Patchy’s list, and Davos explains his plan to use the kids as a meat shield against future attacks from Danny, also as lieutenants in his running army. They spot a crew robbing a car, for money for drugs, Davos destroys another car fighting them off, Patchy tries to defend them briefly but Davos shuts him down as he kills one of the addicts.

Misty visits Mika Prada, the person Joy procured the bowl from via blackmail. She reveals it’s a part of a collection from a guy who specialises in ancient Asian artefacts, including purportedly Shambala or perhaps more accurately, K’un L’un. She shows Misty an ancient piece of artwork depicting a dragon and describing purportedly an ancient ritual. Misty takes some photos, suspecting this may be very relevant to them.

Joy pays a visit, hoping to see Walker, but finds only Mary. She introduces herself, noticing the running taps designed to keep Walker at bay. Joy tries to convince her to bring Walker back but Mary refuses, Joy tries to explain about Davos but Mary already knows about him, and what he did to Danny. Joy tries to leave but Mary wants her company and she’s roped into providing it.

They talk about Danny, and Mary’s relationship with Walker. Joy ultimately decides to leave Mary at peace, admiring her art on her way out. As she looks at one of the pictures, she flashes back to her time in a Sokovian prison. More on that to come. She throws away all her medication and turns off the taps.

Misty reports her findings to Danny and Colleen, and the ritual scroll giving the instructions for the ritual Davos enacted, but also warning that if done incorrectly, it could mean death to all parties involved. Misty heads off, suspecting they’ll need help. Danny agrees but focuses on a different, he will have to face Davos again, but with his injury, he’s destined to lose. He needs Colleen’s help to train him again, something Colleen is very uncomfortable with. Danny doesn’t press too hard, working to train on his own when Colleen refuses, although turning the house into the dojo is something Colleen equally objects to.

Bethany airs her story at an NA meeting. Ward happens to be passing by and overhears her confession, including the part where she’s pregnant with his child. She’s very concerned about having a child with both her parents addicts. Mary records a message for Walker, telling her about Joy’s visit and the fact that it’s given her an appreciation of Walker she didn’t have before, remembering incidents like the prison in Sokovia. An interesting Marvel cut since the place was practically destroyed in Age of Ultron.

She tries to get Walker to get help, but surrenders herself to the ‘stronger’ Walker to make up her mind. Davos is training as Joy confronts and continues to descend into whatever arc it is they’re trying with her, I don’t get it. Davos is happy to have Joy at his side again, and I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it kinda does as she asks about the bowl, supposedly to sell it back to the auction house but I honestly don’t know what her game was there, either way it’s interrupted when the youths from earlier arrive, ready for Davos’ teaching regime. And with BB among them, he’s the latest to inherit the DMW (Dead Man Walking) title.

Danny tears the house apart to start his new training regimen, frustrating the hell out of Colleen, who can hear every punch through the wall. One kick though and he’s down for the count, thankfully Colleen has finally surrendered to the idea of teaching, although that means she needs emotional distance from Danny to commit to his training.

It’s another fairly slow episode, but another solid one as it builds on the fallout of the previous one. Ward’s arc is by far the weakest but it seems they’re at least somewhat aware as it gets the least screen-time.

Rating 7/10

Citadel on the Edge of Vengeance

Apparently, Danny completed all his physical training off-screen as now it’s time for him to deal with his emotions, in particular when it comes to Davos. This is juxtaposed with scenes of Davos training his students. Colleen advises that they use his power to their advantage, focus on evasion rather than direct confrontation and let him tire himself out. Davos’ methods are a tad more brutal, and BB is clearly feeling uncomfortable, I’m counting down the seconds. Roll credits

Colleen’s plan of amassing the shelter to get word out about Davos seems to be working. Danny’s technical skill has almost entirely returned, largely thanks to Colleen’s teachings. She begins talking about training with her grandfather, he’d often assign strange tasks for the purpose of observing the world. Now, Danny has to deal with Davos emotionally, which is difficult after all they’ve been through together.

They get a call regarding a potential Davos sighting and quickly are out to meet it, with Colleen using this to test Danny on the field. The target in question was a number cruncher for the Hatchets, patchy tells Davos he wants to be involved in this one and it’s worse than can be anticipated as Mrs Yang is with them.

Even with Danny and Colleen having arrived to help, they’re over-matched and flee, with Davos arriving slightly too late. Danny hesitates, thinking about facing him but he’s not ready, and Colleen convinces him to walk away. Patchy confronts them at the exit and a brief tussle between him and Colleen ensues, buying the others time to escape. Davos and Patchy realise that they’ve been tracking them with the car.

Walker wakes up and sees the video Mary recorded for her. She’s confused about the mention of Sokovia. She flashes back, waking up outside the prison covered in blood and with a massacre having taken place outside, a knife in her hand but with no idea how she came to have it. Joy returns to Davos’ dojo, watching the training take place. BB gets confrontational and storms out, and we see he has one of the shelter’s posters with him. Joy confronts him, telling him that his actions are the equivalent of suicide and to get back in and resume training, BB takes that advice.

Davos asks Joy why she came back, and whilst it’s clear she’s holding something back, she gives Davos some solid advice on appealing to the masses. Danny and Colleen are at the shelter, as Mrs Yang has summoned Golden Tiger and Hatchet Men to form an alliance against Davos, they try and convince her to stop but with the threat rising and previous alliances with the two proving less than successful, they’re tossed out.

Walker visits a psychologist about what she found out on the tape, he suggests that she may have a hidden third personality that was capable of doing what she did. She heads off. Ward is out buying flowers when he gets a phone-call from Joy, asking him to take over the deal she’d been working on earlier. Ward is somewhat perplexed, especially given Joy’s hard stance against him but eventually agrees.

Danny and Colleen discuss their next move, Colleen is impressed Danny isn’t caving into his worst instincts and getting himself killed, but Danny begins to worry that this relationship comes at the cost of their previous one. Ward lets himself into Joy’s flat to find Walker there, she asks Ward to find the unredacted file about her mission in Sokovia. Ward eventually agrees to get the file, working out that Joy doesn’t expect to get out alive, and saying he wants Joy rescued in exchange, even if that means putting a bullet in Davos

Davos takes his students out to the restaurant the boys attacked. They apologise to him but when he hesitates to join Davos’ cause, Davos kills him immediately, one of the boys speaks out and is quickly killed by  another. BB had faked illness earlier and got thrown in the dark room, Joy breaks him out and they go and find the bowl. Davos arrives back quickly, Joy manages to slow Davos down, allowing BB enough time to find the bowl and get out.

Colleen and Danny head to the old cage fighting arena Colleen used to work at, and it’s a game of fighting tag, best of 3. It’s quickly 2-0 to Colleen and she begins pushing Danny’s buttons, but also spouting half truths that could get Danny thinking. Danny powers through and brings the score even, he’s about to win but ultimately surrenders himself before he can do so, leaving the arena.

He’s realised all he’s been fighting for the is the Iron Fist, and it’s been corrupting him and made him a danger. He cannot take back the Iron Fist, he believes it should instead by transferred to Colleen.

It’s another solid episode, moving the world forward and a slow but methodical pace

Rating 7.5/10

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