Thursday 21 April 2016

The Flash Season 2 episode 18 review - Versus Zoom

It's been no secret the Flash has begun to irritate me this season, let's see if another big Zoom confrontation can help salvage this thing

Versus Zoom

*sigh* make it stop, just please make it stop!

So, the Flash is confident, and that’s never a good sign, he has a plan to stop Zoom but since we still have 5 episodes to go it’s a sure bet he’s going to fail miserably so, what a shock, he fails miserably

But this has got to be up there as of the dumbest episodes of this season, and bear in mind out of 17 episodes aired thus far, I’ve rated 7 of them below 7/10. And this episode will make it number 8, rest assured

I will give some positives. There are some nice character moments. Wally finally moving into the West Household, Barry giving a motivational speech to Cisco to try and get him to open the breach, since he fears it’s the last step before turning to the dark side (no no no, you need to be manipulated by an obviously evil emperor into going from killing someone to defend someone else to murdering children in their dozens) That talk between Harrison Wells and Joe and… yeah that’s about it for the positives for this episode, let’s look into the negatives

So, they open the breach, Zoom comes through. Barry uses his new whatchimathinga to become faster than Zoom. Using the familial connections that they worked out from Caitlin mentioning Hunter Zolomon, they capture him. And instead of knocking him out immediately, the smart thing to do, Barry sits around and gloats like a Bond-era Supervillain, is it any surprise to anyone that he ends up escaping?

But it gets dumber still, Zoom uses Wally (who he knows about because erm… because… I have no idea) anyway, he says he’ll give Wally back in exchange for the Flash’s speed. They eventually agree and instead of confronting at a mutually agreeable location, Zoom heads to Star Labs to do, where they have all the edge. Also, he does not disarm all the people with weapons around him because he’s an idiot. Speaking of idiocy though HE LETS WALLY GO, EVEN THOUGH HE HASN’T GOT WHAT HE WANTS YET!

And yet… and yet, not a single person among the group make any move against Zoom whilst the Flash gives away his speed. For GOD’S SAKE, SOMEONE SHOOT HIM! He’s right there! I just hope Wells screwed about with the calibrator thingamajig because otherwise I’ve lost all faith for humanity.

I think just about everyone in the episode has earned this

I’m not sure I’m going to watch season 3, they need to deliver something for the final episodes because the standard at the moment is not good enough

Rating 4/10 

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Images used in this review are from The Flash, Ratchet and Clank and Justice League Unlimited and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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