Tuesday 8 November 2016

Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episodes 6-7 review - The Last Battle/Imperial Supercommandos

I know, it's been a while since the last review thanks to hiatuses and such but we've got the next two episodes to cover. Sorry my review of Imperial Supercommandos is a bit short but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

The Last Battle

So… this is quite an episode, so much nostalgia… I reviewed the clone wars just over 2 years ago, I watched it for the first time some months prior and… I’m blabbering, let’s get to the episode.

So remember the battle of Onderon in the clone wars, the one where Ahsoka helped the locals set up a resistance, they took out strategic targets in what basically amounted to terrorism but performed some daring rescues, a few of them died, the pirates came to their aid and they eventually drove back the droid army and their commander General Kalani, mostly because Dooku saw no value in a prolonged war there.

Anyway, Kalani was told to head to the Agamar system (I still hate this, it’s a planet or a system, it cannot be both) anyway, they’ve apparently been there ever since so when the rebels head to scout a crashed Republic star-destroyer from proton bombs, they come across the not shut down droids. Kalani wants to prove once and for all which side was better and so tested a clone, and 2 jedi against what remains of his army.

This is quite a special episode, it’s clearly a tribute to the Clone Wars down to them using the old font and theme music at the end and whilst Kalani sadly doesn’t have his original voice, they did manage it with the rest of the droids and they provided their usual brand of comic relief, which was nice.

Rex I suppose was the character the episode focused on as he fought his final battle as a clone trooper before the war ended, surprisingly in compromise. Neither side may have agreed of much, but they don’t like the empire, which showed up in force (2 AT-ATs and 2 walkers plus shuttles filled with Stormtroopers – it’s one of the biggest deployments yet)

I suppose Ezra gets a little focus (again) as an outsider who really didn’t know much about the Clone Wars since the fighting didn’t really come to Lothal, he was the least experienced with battle tactics like this, it isn’t something Kanan tends to train him with. (His time as a padawan was relatively brief from what I can tell) but that kind of came to his advantage at the end for he was the one who could see that the sides had common ground against the Empire. Although Zeb also could’ve served this purpose, Ezra’s more suited to it than a warrior like Zeb would’ve been.

I have a few nit-picks: it’s a pity Zeb didn’t get much to do. Hera and Sabine are relegated to doing little, and I have to wonder whether even a super tactical droid would be fed the idea of the separatists attempting to fight the tyranny of the Republic but that’s forgiven just for the imagery of the droids and the rebels fighting together against the Empire

Rating 9/10

Imperial Supercommandos

So, I guess they installed guns on the ‘phantom 2’ then?

Remember Fenn Rau from the Protector of Concorde Dawn? He was captured by the rebels to force his allies to give them safe passage through Concorde Dawn. Well the Empire has just wiped them out and now it’s up to Sabine, Chopper, Ezra and Fenn Rau to investigate what’s going on.

As set-ups go, it’s a pretty good one and allows Sabine some nice moments where we find out more about her heritage. Apparently, her mother is looking for her (that’s too juicy a twist not to come back, isn’t it?) and clan Vizla has joined the Empire, which is interesting since the last guy I knew with the Vizla title stood up to Darth Maul when he tried to take over Mandalore.

So whilst Ezra is captured without his lightsabre and does some pretty funny fibbing, it’s up to Sabine and Fenn Rau to save him, except Fenn Rau really doesn’t give a sh*t (to start with) about the rebellion, or Sabine in particular and is more than willing to double-cross them, which is unfortunate since he has the location of the Rebels base… How did he end up with that anyway? It’s not like he could see out the window in his prison cell?

It leads to a decent little chase scene in the canyons and a nice little fight between Sabine and the leader of the imperial Supercommandos, we’ll probably see a bit more of this as the episodes roll off.

But can we get some character moments for Hera or Zeb? It’s their turn now

Rating 7.5/10

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Images/clips used in this review are from Star Wars and Star Wars Rebels and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use

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