Sunday 6 November 2016

Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 episode 4 review - Abominations



OK, in today’s episode: the American Civil War and zombies, one of the most overused story tropes ever (yes looking at you, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) and does more or less what you’d expect with it. *sigh*

So, a guy who was supposed to be stealing top secret information from the evil confederates. And it just so happens, he’s black so the show can make a statement about racism being a thing. Did you know black people were slaves?! I sure as hell didn’t!

OK, I’ll give them credit, it’s a brave subject choice and they did it in a way that made you very uncomfortable, in this case, a very good thing. Jefferson and Vixen make a good pair, and it was nice to see Vixen kick some ass.

So, you have a subplot dedicated to showing racism at its worst, a subplot that briefly mentions sexism in a way that’s all but forgotten about then you have Ray Palmer and Martin Stein and his irrational fear of zombies. Yes, Stein has an irrational fear of zombies to the point where he struggles to say the word. THIS SHOW IS TOO DUMB TO MAKE POLITICAL STATEMENTS!

Speaking of dumb, they don’t seem to know the difference between cure and vaccine. Well done writers! This show does have some good comedy moments; I really should bring this up more often but I’m often too focused on how stupid everything is to enjoy them. Oh and Ray considers his purpose in the team without his suit. We’re still beating this dead horse, moving on…

Speaking of even more dumb, the time pirate that started the whole mess, the guy who the Legends were going to investigate... Never seen or heard from again. This episode is a complete mess.

I’m done with this series, I’ll come back for the crossover but as a regular viewer? No, I’ve made up my mind, this show is lost on me. I'll fill in the blanks in my schedule with a couple of editorials or something. 

Rating 4.5/10

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Images/clips used are from DC's Legends of Tomorrow. All images in this review are subject to fair use

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