Wednesday 12 November 2014

TV Month - Gotham Episodes 7-8 review - Penguin's Umbrella/The Mask

Lots of stuff happens in these 2 episodes, so let's take a look at Gotham's latest outings, and see how much more awesome it can get (yeah, I enjoyed these episodes)

Episode 7 – Penguin’s umbrella

Well, this was certainly a game changer

This was a great episode, centred around the theme this show has had since the beginning, the corruption of Gotham City. With Oswald Cobblepot revealed to be alive, Gordon is pretty much alone in the police department. Harvey (initially) abandons him and the mob wants him dead.

But of course, help comes from unexpected places. Most obviously from MCU Detectives Allen and Montoya. Montoya finally becomes something other than a b*tch as she admits that she was wrong about Gordon, and let her personal feelings get in the way. Character development, yay!

We also see some of the cops are somewhat reluctant, many of them didn't leave when Zsasz originally asked them too, and in particular Sara Essen, Gordon's boss. And then a cop went to help Gordon defeat Zsasz, sacrificing her life in the process.

The scene in Wayne Manor is somewhat unnecessary, but if Gordon really thought his plan would kill him, I can see why he did it. I’ve got to admit Bruce's "Stop treating me like a child" line grated me a little, since he is one (does this show have a clue how to write children, thus far I've barely noticed him being a child

But Falcone of course had a play of his own. And he's smarter than a lot of people give him credit for, including Fish Mooney and his friends. His key pawn is Oswald, the Penguin. I don't know whether having him revealed to be alive was planned, but major moves are allowed to made. I wonder if Falcone wanted that Indian Hill plant.

Falcone also had a play for Gordon's plans, realised when Barbara returned. One character I haven't really mentioned, I find her annoying, insufferable and generally not a great character. And this episode did not change my opinion of her.

Falcone and Marone's moves against each other provided the escalation of the gang war tensions, but as I said before, the wheels turn in the favour of Falcone, as he’s aware of Fish Mooney's plot to overthrow him, and has Penguin undercover with Marone.

Of course it's more than likely Oswald is playing all sides, and his request that Falcone keep him (and Gordon later on) alive was interesting.

Harvey returned on side, knowing that he too was marked by the move, and was ready to back whatever play Gordon made (after some late night sex of course) I wonder how Harvey will react now that this play is over

As a comic fan, I'm gonna nit-pick about Zsasz. Zsasz is a grade A psychopath who kills specifically to mark his skin. Here the cut just seems like he’s keeping count. And his weapon of choice should be knife, never a gun.

Rating: 8.5/10

Episode 8 – The Mask

So we have major players making their moves today, as Fish Mooney proceeds with her plan and the Penguin tries to work out what it is. Bruce actually goes to school, and there's some business about a guy who in the comics is a major player in the mob.

But the A plot revolves around the resentment that the police have for Gordon because he stood up where they didn't. Eventually leading to Harvey giving them the riot act, and having Gordon's back when he needed it most (much like he did last week)

So the story's bad guy is Richard Sionis, who may or may not be the replacement for Roman Sionis aka Black Mask in the comics. He has his employees fight for the positions he has in the company, and the bodies come to the attention of Gordon and co. It's a good plot, just wish it hadn't been entirely completed within the episode, especially when so much happened.

So B-plot, the Penguin used a broach to get close to Fish Mooney, then gave it to his mother (eww!) he then proceeds to kidnap his replacement in Mooney’s ranks, torture him for info and then kill him. If Marone found out about this, would he be kind about it, I'm not sure he would.

We also have Fish Mooney asking her inside agent to get something from Falcone, which we don't know about yet, and using lies to keep her on side, when she wants out. This is not a particularly interesting sub-plot, as the interesting parts, like her actually committing the robbery were cut out (OK, they wanted to keep the tension on her "I want out speech" but… did anyone honestly think she hadn't done it?)

In subplot (god there are a lot of these today) number 3, we have Bruce Wayne doing something a child actually does for a change, go to school. But this particularly highlights the problem the show has had for a while, they can't write kids! Seriously, a guy has just had his parents murdered (although I don’t know how long ago given the time scale) not a single person gives condolences, not a single person, other than the school bully Tommy Elliott (maybe they’ll be friends later or some bullsh*t if they want Hush) and he even doesn't speak like a normal human child, more like the 90s stereotype bully (I get it, they want it to be satisfying when Bruce punches him, it wasn't, not really)

Oh and Selina gets arrested. Hopefully to appear in actual plot next week.

Oh, and one other thing. Barbara's been reduced to a nervous wreck after last week, and leaves. I'm still feeling no sympathy whatsoever for her.

Rating 8/10

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Images used in this review are from Gotham and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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