Tuesday 11 November 2014

TV Month - Doctor Who series 8 finale (episode 12) - Death in Heaven

So we're left with major revelations from the last episode, and the promise of some interesting ideas for this episode, so let's dig into Doctor Who - Death in Heaven, and see whether it lives up to it's hype.

Death in heaven

I have just watched the season finale of Doctor and… what the hell did I just watch?

The Doctor became President of the world, because BULLSH*T!!!

The Master is completely insane and the best part of the episode, although her plan was to create an army of Cybermen from the dead of the human race and give it to the Doctor as a birthday present because…? I can’t be bothered to follow her logic, I’ll just say she’s crazy and leave it at that

We have the UNIT crew from day of the Doctor, the kid with asthma dies, shocker, and Mrs Nepotism over there falls from a plane and survives by the power of… what the heck I don’t care, she’s only in the series because she’s the daughter of a deceased who actor (the Brigadier).

So, we have the most odd Cyberman invasion ever, where the Cyberman, do nothing really, one explodes and creates a fog, a couple of people are killed but they are entirely set pieces for the finale. Of course this is Missy’s plan, but it feels like a wasted opportunity.

And does anyone really think she’s dead. She went up in blue, everyone else died in red, I bet teleport!! Calling it!
Edit: Oh, she was killed by the Brigadier Cyberman, err cool cameo? (Actually, it was still a teleport so I was right)

Danny has his moments with Clara, as he wants his pain to go away but Clara is reluctant to do it. Only for the whole decision to end up not mattering as Danny maintains loyalty to Clara, and destroys himself and the rest of the Cybermen and takes the cloud with him

The Doctor finally realises the kind of man he is and passes control of the cybermen to Danny

But it’s not over, thanks to the power of bullsh*t the watch that controls the cybermen can also bring one person back from the dead. And Danny decides to payoff that plot thread that got nowhere near enough build up and send the kid he once killed back.

The Doctor and Clara part ways after this episode, although Clara may be back in the Christmas special, I find it odd, after all the talk about secrets and lies, that that’s exactly how her and the Doctor would depart.

The Doctor claimed that he found Gallifrey but he didn’t, meanwhile Clara never revealed the fate of Danny. Perhaps they were trying to avoid hurting each other’s feelings but it didn’t work for me like that. Even if they knew the other was lying. Surely it’s better to be united in suffering, rather than divided in faux-happiness.

Steven Moffatt has a trend of great buildup to disappointing payoffs that’s been present ever since he took over the show.

Rating 6/10

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Images used in this review are from Doctor Who and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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