Monday 3 November 2014

TV Month - Legend of Korra Book 4 Chapters 4-5 review: The Calling/Enemy at the Gates

Legend of Korra continues its forward momentum as the Avatar is sought out by Jinora Ikki and Meelo and Kuvira's army knocks on the gates of Zaofu

Chapter 4 – The Calling

So, we get another of my checklist ticked off as we get an episode focused on Ikki and Meelo and Jinora. Whilst there is a significant amount of bickering in this episode, I think the episode successfully captures the family dynamic, as well giving some nice character moments, particularly for Ikki, who until now had been the least well-developed of the 3 characters

This episode slows things down a little as it brings to a close the finding the Avatar storyline that's been running since Korra Alone, and nothing else. That's not to say it was a bad episode, sometimes need to have their slow moments, but it does somewhat stall the momentum the previous episode set.

Meanwhile we have Korra facing up against what she's fighting, her previous enemies. Toph actually becomes the wise mentor you sort of expect, without entirely losing her character in the process. It's nice that she knows about Amon, Unalaq and Zaheer without Korra having told her anything. I guess the swamp really does connect her to the whole world.

The fact that it's taken the best episode of 3 episodes to build up to this makes Korra's inevitable removal of the remaining poison and overcoming her enemies all the more satisfying (although I hope she still has some recovery left to do), and I hope the remaining episodes build the pace back up again.

This episode is a solid episode, I like how Ikki was basically pretending to be helpless to get Kuvira's guards on side (well, I assume that's what she was doing as she easily got her arms out of the rope and could've airbended herself free) in the process she learned about a possible location for Korra, and I hope the fact that they mentioned an attack on Zaofu comes into play in the coming episodes. 

This is not one of Korra's best episodes, but it's still a fairly good one, plenty of character moments (if somewhat lacking in action, there really hasn't been any good action scenes since episode 1) and a satisfying resolution, it's just the plot kind of stalls to make all of this possible.

Rating 7.8/10

Memorable Quotes
"What's there to tell, I threw some rocks at the Avatar, he got all whiny and Sokka fell in a hole"
"Oh yeah. It was hot, I was on a blimp, and I think a giant turtle showed up"
"This never happened"
"I'm Meelo, I like to throw away food and far at inappropriate moments"

Chapter 5 – Enemy at the Gates

And so the army marches to Zaofu, and so comes Korra

And interestingly the one thing Korra wants is to talk peace, in a time where neither side will listen. It’s a good development of her character, she definitely has changed for the gun-ho Avatar we had previously seen.

We only see a little action this week, although I suspect more will be coming next week, but we see how much the mecha-tanks have evolved, utilising both metal and fire-bending elements. It’s amazing how creative the use of the mecha-tanks were with Zhu Li using the ropes to throw a rock. In fact these upgraded mecha-tanks use technological substitute for various bending styles. Fire and lightning bending, metalbending and sort-of airbending were there, all that's missing is a water pistol

Of course in this camp, the main development is of Bolin, as he finally realises that the good he does in trying to unite the empire has dire consequences later on. And he and Varrick come to the same conclusion, Kuvira's crazy!

Of course Varrick found this out earlier as he attempted to harness the power of the spirit vines to, of course, weaponise it. Varrick and Jhu-Li's repertoire this episode was a highlight of an episode fairly light on humour, and it paid off spectacularly at the end as Zhu Li forsook Varrick for Kuvira (although whether she’s playing Kuvira or actually loyal is a different matter)

We also see a little history about how Kuvira's rise to power started, of course this story rings the same bells as the conversation back in episode 3, but it gave us a better impression of exactly what happened. It's nice to see that Suyin's not wanting to take over the Earth Kingdom was still in effect there. If there's one thing the Beifongs all have in common it's stubbornness (although to be fair, that's part of Earthbending too)

We also have the sub-plot involving Asami. We haven't see Asami much since episode 1, aside from a couple of letters between her in Korra in chapter 2. The reveal of Hiroshi Sato's return has been in the media for months, but it was somewhat surprising the way in which he returned.

He was begging the forgiveness of his daughter and realised what he'd done ruined their relationship. (Although it's only been what, 4 years since he was imprisoned, he looks about 20 years older) Whether or not he is using her for his own purposes is unclear to me, but honestly I would be satisfied to see Asami and Hiroshi come together, Kuvira's enough of an antagonist for me, especially if she does get the power from the spirit vines that she's having Varrick create.

Out of interest – is anyone still supporting Kuvira after this?

Rating 9/10

Memorable Quotes
"What do head voices know!"
"There are too many Varricks!"
"That's not the flame-thrower, who built this thing" "You did sir"
"Why did we go through all that trouble to save you, if you're not gonna beat someone up?"
"Guards, do the thing" "No, not the thing!"

For more reviews click here

Images used in this review are from The Legend of Korra and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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