Wednesday 26 November 2014

TV Month - Gotham Episodes 9-10 review - Harvey Dent/Lovecraft

TV Month is beginning to draw to a close, as we only have a Star Wars Rebels and a Flash review before December knocks on the door

Oh, and this, Gotham

Episode 9Harvey Dent

With the mid-season finale (as mid as 10/22 gets anyway) coming next week, we get to see one of those characters you probably didn’t expect to show up this early. Harvey Dent, the estranged good man of Gotham destined to become horribly scarred and become a psychopath.

But for now, he’s playing an idiot, who doesn’t think giving a hint to a possible witness to a murder wouldn’t end up with someone with a sniper laser on his/her forehead. But that’s a story for another week, here it’s a subplot in a story pretty heavy with subplots.

The main plot this week. Fish Mooney uses a bunch of henchmen from the dead Russian guy’s army to blow up a bank vault belonging to Falcone. The henchmen have busted a highly mentally unstable explosives expert to help them.

There’s also subplot #2. Selina is given safe haven in Wayne Manor, and Bruce hits it on on Selena in a way only could. With attempting to drown himself, sorry, testing how long he can breathe underwater, with his clothes on. And boxing, apparently that helps too. We’ll see how far this training gets him in next week’s episode

There’s also subplot #3. Oswald Cobblepot has pinned whatshername as the spy in Falcone’s ranks. In the creepiest ways possible, I mean seriously, yuk. This guy is supposed to be physically intimidating, not a pervert.

And of course subplot #4, Barbara Gordon has gone, oh no! I will so miss her lack of character. Actaually she’s off having play time with detective Montoya. B*tches deserve each other quite frankly, and the less we see of them the better.

Amazingly though, the create a fairly cohesive whole, and it’s a decent story all things considered. Sure, there’s a bit of awkwardness in the dialogue, a new possible villain revealed out of nowhere and… actually, that’s all of my problems with the episode.

Good job, Fox has finally worked out what it wants to do with the series, and events are beginning to unfold.

Rating 8/10

Episode 10 – Lovecraft

I’ve got to admit, this episode was a bit of a let-down. Not so much as it’s a bad story; it’s not for the most part, although it has its problems. But it’s not brilliant as a mid-season finale. To be honest, Penguin’s umbrella would’ve served as a better series finale.

Yes, a delivers a change to the status quo as Gordon is ousted from the GCPD to Arkham (because that can happen apparently) the problem is, it’s not gonna last, I wouldn’t be surprised if Gordon went back to being a cop in the mid-season premier. If not, then at least by the end of the season.

So, the plot: Harvey Dent was an idiot and gave Jim Gordon’s name with some of the leaked testimonies. Somehow they managed to use this to work out Selina Kyle was in Wayne Manor, because of plot convenience really.

So Selina and Bruce are on the run in the under-town of Gotham of Gotham, where they meet Ivy Pepper, who is still a pointless character. And Bruce jumps from rooftops, throws metal things and still does nothing consequential to the plot. But yeah; in case you didn’t know, he’s gonna be Batman someday! Message for part 2 – STOP WHACKING US OVER THE HEAD WITH THAT MESSAGE!!    

Anyway, they’re targeted by assassins, one of whom is… Is that supposed to be Copperhead? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They haven’t introduced female Copperhead into the comics yet, of all the female villains from the comics, you have to pick a villain whose only other appearance is in BATMAN: ARKHAM FREAKING ORIGINS (if you’ve seen my review of it, you know my opinion on the game)

So her and her two henchmen, dead-meats one and two keep going with their assassination game, targeting both Selina Kyle and Dick Lovecraft, immediately eliminating him from the possible Wayne murderers. You know we’re no closer to knowing who the murderer was than at the beginning of the season. Not great plot progression!

So, in subplot territory we have Falcone wanting to know how Marone found the money from last week’s episode, Penguin states that it wasn’t Marone, and that Falcone has been betrayed by someone close, without mentioning her name. And it seems his driver sort of knows his plans because he asked why didn’t state outright who the traitor was, also Oswald was abducted, where did his driver come from?

Yeah, going into a winter I expected something a little bigger than this, the end result, whilst not bad, although it had some clunky dialogue, but… It lacks the punch that makes me wanna watch this when it comes back on after the winter break.

Rating 6.5/10

For more reviews click here

Images used in this review are from Gotham and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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