Friday 4 December 2015

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 8 review - The Future of the Force

For the third week running, here's a Star Wars Rebels review as we finally get to see Ahsoka in action once again

The Future of the Force

OK… This story was awesome.

So, in a recall to a clone wars episode, the rebels discover that the inquisitors are hunting down force sensitive children. It’s up to them to try and rescue the kids from the inquisitors hands before it’s too late for them

Man, it didn’t exactly start off light. Fifth Son and Seventh Sister enter a refugee ship, capture the baby and from the looks of things kill everyone else on board. You know, for kids! But I digress, the inquisitors truly are the things that make the empire interesting. I never cared for the empire without them, they’re usually just cannon fodder.

So our two female leads are cast aside (because Ahsoka needed to fill the awesome space this week) for a rescue mission that really worked for the characters. We get Kanan finally match up with the inquisitors and it’s clear quickly that whilst he may have taken on their Grand Inquisitor he’s no match for both of them. He gets beaten, twice and forced to run

We also do get a little more of the dynamic between the two inquisitors. I thought they might have different agendas and end up getting in each other’s way. But it appears that lesson may have been learned in the first one. But it’s clear the Seventh Sister is the stronger of the two despite the Fifth Son’s acting as the leader. The seventh sister didn’t fall for the com-link trap, she lasted much longer against Ahsoka and actually gains somewhat of a victory in this episode.

Speaking of Ahsoka, yeah that fight. That was awesome. It was clear she had the upper hand in that fight, she’s stronger than both Kanan and Ezra combined and the only reason she didn’t claim victory is that the Empire arrived to the inquisitor’s aid at the end. I still want to see her face up against Darth Vader, but it’s a good way of demonstrating how much better she is than 2 mere inquisitors. She did train under one of the most powerful jedi there was.

Rating 9/10

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Images used in this review are from Star Wars Rebels and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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