Friday 28 November 2014

TV Month: The Flash episodes 6-7 review - The Flash is Born/Power Outage

TV Month draws to a close, as we dive into the next 2 episodes of the Flash

Episode 6 – The Flash is Born

I’m sort of the fence about this episode. This is about as clichéd as you get in terms of the primary story. Get this. Barry's high school bully (well, one of them) now has meta-powers and is out for the Flash, and he beats him, USING THE SAME DIALOGUE HE USED WHEN HE WAS IN SCHOOL!

OK, this isn't really making me angry, it's so cliché I'm laughing, but that's not to say there wasn't plenty of good to take out of the episode. Barry actually brings up the point of her being a target talking to her, and she continues to ignore him and keeps writing the blog anyway (I thought this plot ended last week)

Anyway, we also have Joe West continuing to look into the case surrounding the murder or Nora Allen, suspecting Harrison he comes forward with his claims, but finds there are multiple reasons why it doesn’t work regarding Harrison's backstory. The show is actually starting to develop his character rather than giving us "he can walk again, and knows something" reveals. And I'm very much enjoying it.

Of course, Joe instead ends up with a visit from the yellow streak, the reverse-flash if you will (hint hint) who threatens to kill his daughter if he doesn't stop. You know, Joe had nothing to go on, you've just confirmed to him that he's right, idiot.

So, Cisco and Caitilin gush over the fact that he has to crack the speed of sound at about 800mph, you know next thing you know he'll be able to crack 671,000,000mph (hint hint) and Barry brakes bones, heals from them and breaks bones again.

Barry reveals his secret identity to the bully, that's stupid. And honestly I think strategy beats purile speed in cases such as this. He is fast enough to dodge this guy's attacks without breaking a sweat, just wear him out!

Yeah, I think they chose a poor strategy for this one, more an excuse for Flash breaking the sound barrier, which looked pretty cool. Although to be honest if it wasn't for Iris sucker-punch Barry would be dead, because he couldn't slow down

Rating 6.5/10

Episode 7 – Power Outage

So, we’re starting to up the villain count. It accomplishes nothing as the Flash doesn't even encounter our secondary villain, but it's something to get used to as there will be 2 villains next week as well.

So, plot. There's a villain who feeds off of electricity, he absorbs Barry''s powers, sort of and is after Harrison Wells because "I was hurt and I want revenge" 3 cheers for cliché plotlines like that

Speaking of villains who want revenge, the Clock King is in Central City for some reason, and he holds the police hostage, wanting revenger against those that stopped him from seeing his dying sister (at least I think it was sister) and that's really all that happened.

It was certainly an improvement over last week; the villains were defeated by plans that made some kind of sense. Even though I'm the greatest fan of the "defeat the villain by overloading him" cliché. It works well enough, and gives us some darker moments of the series

Harrison Wells is becoming an interesting character. I have a suspicion he sees the world without the Flash in the future, and it's a dark one, so he's hoping to keep the Flash alive, whatever the cost, even if it meant sacrificing whatshisface from last week. Ah well, the conflict of Barry revealing his secret identity to him has been rendered pointless now, yay!

We see that Joe West is clearly shaken by the attack on his home not that long ago, the problem is he should've confided in the Flash quickly, at the very least explaining that he's dropping the investigation because of these threats, but he is now certain that the guy is real. Guess we'll have to wait a couple of weeks for that.

Rating 7/10 

Good news: My Arrow reviews have been written, and I'll upload them tomorrow

For more reviews click here

Images used in this review are from The Flash and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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