Monday 24 November 2014

TV Month - Constantine Episodes 4-5 review - A Feast of Friends/Danse Vaudou

Whilst you're still patiently waiting for my belated Arrow retrospective, why not dig into the latest adventures of John Constantine as he is... Still a bit of the b*stard

Episode 4 – A Feast of Friends

I'm sorry, I'm still not sure what to make of the show, I've said time and time again that I don't find it scary enough, and this complaint continues this episode

However, this episode is actually a pretty good one, as we establish that sometimes doing the kind of work Constantine does requires the making of tough decisions and can have major consequences first hand.

Zed serves as a kind of entry point for the audience, while we don't share her innate abilities, we do share the fact that she's new to this kind of work, and has a little bit more of a moral conscience than Constantine. Sadly this is not the kind of show where a moral conscience serves as a strength

So, to the plot. An old friend of Constantine's whose name I can't be bothered to remember has returned from Prague or wherever with a demon in a jar which is smashed as he goes through customs, because he's an idiot. Constantine has to now deal with a hunger demon intent on devouring anything in its path.

Demons lack personality, they don't make great villains, but this is just the show, and I probably have to accept that demons will be the main enemies from the show.

The moral quandary comes from the fact that defeating the demon permanently (or as close to permanent as the last time) requires a sacrifice. And John proves himself to be a right royal b*stard by tricking his mate whose name I can't be bothered to remember into being the sacrifice.

This mate whose name I can't be bothered to remember is somewhat of an interesting character, he has had some background, he has regrets, and he's clearly still a super-fan on John Constantine, even if the friendship is only slightly mutual. The fact that when he works out what’s about to happen he accepts it, he accepts days of suffering to capture the demon.

Manny, if you're gonna keep showing up do something! Raining fake money doesn't count!

Rating 7.5/10

Episode 5 - Danse Vaudou

Ah, Papa Midnite, your joyful energy in role is very entertaining to watch, as we see seeds planted for what's to come in this series.

So, what's the deal? In attempting to give people closure to their love ones, Papa Midnite accidentally raises the dead and they go on a killing spree. Reluctantly, he has to team up with John Constantine and his motley crew in order to stop it.

It's nice to see the show planting a few seeds, but the way in which the seeds are planted is still a tad questionable to me. Constantine still seems to have a macguffin for every occasion, he should have to earn at least some of them.

We're introduced to our friend Jim Corrigan; soon to be host to the spirit of vengeance himself the Spectre, probably. It also seems he has some connection to Zeb, he knows a bit of her story, although there are still many blanks to fill on that part.

It seems Chas has the Captain Jack Harkness powers of being immortal and super-fast healing abilities, I just hope we don't get another Torchwood: Miracle Day out of it (I would do a rage review on it, but I have no desire to torture myself again with its 10 hour long crappiness)

Once again, I'm not finding this series scary. I'm giving up on this notion, this will be the last time I mention this point in a review unless something happens that actually scares me.

Rating 7/10

For more reviews click here

Images used in this review are from Constantine and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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