Saturday 5 March 2016

Legends of Tomorrow Episodes 6-7 review - Star City 2066/Marooned

Legends of Tomorrow continues

Star City 2046

*Sighs* This is filler

Star City is a dystopian Wasteland? You know with attacks on the city year after year, one was bound to succeed, the ultimate victor? Kylo Ren Grant Wilson: The son of Deathstroke who… wait, Slade had kids? Was this before Lian Yu? You know, I don’t actually care

Defending the day was Connor Hawke aka John Diggle Jr aka the Green Arrow aka at least there’s a good reason for him not being like the comics this time. He’s taken up the mantle because Oliver… Gave up. And people wonder why I don’t watch Arrow anymore! Actually, no, no you don’t, it’s because season 3 was a massive disappointment and I didn’t want to be reviewing more than 4 shows at a time.

But enough about that, Heatwave likes this place, he can build an empire from here. Captain Cold is less sure and it’s ultimately an interesting piece on him. He’s no longer seeking the score of the time-stream but the likelihood of him wanting rep for killing Savage, an immortal who most people have never heard does not work logically for me. So… Yeah, Captain Cold is changing and will probably continue to change

Oh and there was a love triangle around Hawkgirl, Jefferson and Ray ultimately resulting in Hawkgirl saying she wasn’t interested after her loss of the incredibly uninteresting Hawkman. Your loss, sweetheart.

So, let’s cut to the chase, the heart of this episode is about interfering with the future, Sara looks around her and feels a compulsion to help, even knowing that most of her family are long since dead and even after being told this is a possible future. I suppose that kind of answers the question of why they haven’t attempted to fight Savage in the future yet, because there are dozens of alternate futures, and there’s no telling in which one the deaths of Rip’s family will come to pass.

This episode was nice, relatively well paced and contained some nice dramatic and character moments, I just wish I could shake the feeling that none of it really mattered. This episode got them no closer to Vandal Savage and it’s sad to say this show has failed to show me an interesting villain (Chronos is not interesting whatsoever)

Rating 7.5/10


Was this episode really necessary?

There are only 2 ongoing themes in this episode the warrant any expansion. One is Mick Rory aka Heatwave, keeping him on board with this mission has become less and less interesting so yeah, the story that started in the last episode begins to blow out of proportion as Mick wants nothing less than to be taken home. But without Captain Cold to keep him in check he’d be a grave danger alone (or something, I don’t really think he’s that powerful, Green Arrow or the Flash probably could take him) so the time has to leave us on a cliff-hanger making us wonder whether Mick will make it out alive (I care so much…)

The second is only barely worth mentioning as Ray Palmer and Kendra are left alone and needing to seal a breach, limited oxygen supply and Ray fading towards sleep and Kendra’s advice is to… keep talking.

Sure, let’s use up even more oxygen by talking, what a brilliant idea? Anyway, they have feelings for each other now. Which I’m sure will complicate things when they inevitably meet the latest incarnation of Hawkman.

So, to the ‘plot’ of the episode. Space pirates attack other ship, random rescue mission to get intel on Savage, insert two tonnes of filler and that’s the episode.

It’s not a terrible episode, there are some nice character dynamics, some decent action and just about anything about between Captain Cold and Heatwave is great. It just feels like filler to me. The subplots mentioned above could’ve easily been entwined in other episodes, it’s not necessary to dedicate not 1 but 2 filler episodes in a row for them. The Flashbacks are barely a factor in the episode. Rip Hunter fell in love once, NO, you don’t say! He does spend the first minute of the episode staring at a hologram of his wife and child. (They managed to send this through magic I guess…)

I really have so little to say about this one, the pirates were boring, the time master was boring (not sure whether or not she’s the same one from the flashbacks but if it were, it’d make even less sense) and there’s just too little going on. Legends of Tomorrow would’ve been better served with a lower episode count I’m starting to realise.

Rating 5/10

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Images/clips used in this review are from DC's Legends of Tomorrow and belong to their respective owners. All images/clips in this review are subject to fair use

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