Tuesday 21 February 2017

Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Episode 16 review - Legacy of Mandalore

We return to Star Wars Rebels

Following a brilliant episode was a long wait, but the wait’s over, Rebels is back and with a follow up episode to the near-perfection that proceeded, how bad is it gonna look in comparison?

Legacy of Mandalore

Honestly, not that bad at all. It’s not as good as trials of the darksaber but it’s still a very good episode.

Sabine travels with Ezra and Kanan to an outpost where Clan Wren reside to convince them to join the siege on Lothal (this is only implied; half point deduction stands) but the resistance and honour lead to an engaging story and the return of Gar Saxon and the Imperial Supercommandos from… Imperial Supercommandos

What is interesting about Clan Wren is the sense of family. It’s that that drives their actions. Why did the family turn against Sabine, partially because her father is being forced to work on Mandalore for the Empire and also because they felt that Sabine joining the rebels was safer than continuing to stay with her family.  Ursa Wren is the main voice of the remains of the Clan, who have lost a lot of social grace thanks to her departure. Though Tristan Wren, her older brother also provides an interesting perspective on matters.

Ursa is interesting as a villain, she’s manipulative but was willing to risk it all for the protection of the daughter and when Gar Saxon predictably double-crossed her, she was none too pleased about it, and ends up firing the killing blow after Sabine defeated him (by chopping his hand off no less, she’s becoming more like a jedi every day)

But what I like more about this episode is that is does something I’ve wanted for a while, a change in the status quo for the rebels as Sabine departs to try and help her family and Fenn Rau liberate Mandalore. She may well return, even within this series but a brief departure from the usual line-up, especially by having one of the original team leave is welcomed at this point.

In terms of action, it felt like Kanan and Ezra were a little too powerless without their lightsabers, even without them, the force could’ve provided them some ability to fight against the mandalorian troopers. Instead the fight doesn’t start until Fenn Rau, who is badass in his brief appearances in the episode, returns their lightsabers.

Not a 100% perfect episode but a very good one, and a nice cap to Sabine’s arc, where we go from here, I’m looking forward to seeing

Rating 7.5/10

Images/clips used in this review are from Star Wars Rebels and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use

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