Thursday 23 October 2014

TV Retrospective: Arrow Season 1 episodes 13-15

I know it's been a while since the last one, but it's time once again to look back at series 1 of Arrow, and watch as its strengths are shown and its weaknesses are developed, but will all be revealed now?


So, we finally meet Slade Wilson, the one and only Deathstroke, just not yet.  The scenes on the Island of late are more interesting

Diggle's sudden interest in the activities of Moira given the discovery of the list belonging to her. His attempts to find out the truth make for a more interesting plot than yet another 1-note bad guy (I’ll grant him this, he's smart) Seriously, this show needs some recurring villains that have personality

Having said that, it did bring some interesting plays to the party. Detective Lance's plan finally comes into motion, with dire consequences for his relationship with Laurel (hey, could be worse, her father could by Malcolm, *shudders*) and his kidnapping of Laurel brings Detective Lance to question his own ethics, forcing him to go to the vigilante, when he can trust no-one in the police department.

All this leads to the confrontation between Moira and the Vigilante. But hello cliff hanger that's where it ends.

I realise this review is a bit short, there's nothing specifically wrong with the episode, but I just didn't have a lot to say when I wrote this, it's another above average but nothing special episode.

Rating 7.5/10

The Odyssey

So we have an episode almost entirely on the Island, and it's an excellent one, full of character, depth and everything I wish I saw more often in Arrow.

So not Deathstroke there is Wintergreen; excellent choice, seeing as Wintergreen is from Deathstroke's circle in the comics too. Fyres makes for an a threatening villain too, something I cannot say for most of the Arrow villains

So, we have the stages of Slade and Oliver training, and their first mission together, including a showdown between Slade and Wintergreen, which went in Slade's favour. Wintergreen got an origin story, but not development. For example we don't know exactly why he defected to Fyres (although we can assume it's for selfish reasons)

Ollie’s desperation not to leave Yao Fei behind, given what's happened it good development for his character as well, as we see him leave behind the selfish person he once is (though he still remains a little selfish, his decision to try and call Laurel was stupid)

In the present, we see Felicity get formally introduced to team Arrow. It's a good job they can trust Felicity, it would've been somewhat difficult if they couldn't. Not just getting a bit of time for herself we hear a little about Diggle's back story as well.

Then there's Moira. I like that she asked not to be killed for the sake of her family, that seems certainly true to the kind of woman she is, to both her credit and her disdain.

That ending was ridiculous, as Ollie drops another completely unsubtle hint that he's the vigilante.

Rating 9/10


Argh, you were doing so well and then double-dates, seriously? Look, I'm not the biggest fan of relationship dramas in anything, but…

Ah, and we have our resident pick-pocket, Roy Harper… His arc doesn't start right now; really, his is just a pawn in the development of Thea's arc. We'll see him again later… Guess Thea's the next person to learn that everyone's out for themselves.

Then we have detective… erm… who is she again? Seriously she's in this one arc, is a sort-of love interest for Oliver, like he doesn't have enough of those. And she leaves soon and is never heard from again.

Diggle not having much luck on the date front, although what would he expect trying to date his former half-sister?

Meanwhile on the Island Oliver is taking Slade's advice that everyone's out for themselves and decides to leave bleeding dying guy

Ah, and Moira wants out of the undertaking, but the risks involved ate massive if Malcolm finds out, so she’s using someone I'd like to call ProxyMcSoonToBeDead, and he's got China White involved. Nothing like the Chinese triad

Incase you're wondering. Dodger's interesting I suppose, a bit aristocratic and extremely deadly, but ultimately still a one-note villain

Rating 7/10

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Images used in this review are from Arrow and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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