Monday 27 October 2014

Constantine Premier Review - Non Est Asylum

Time to have a good look at the latest of DC Comics' outings in Television, Constantine

Episode 1 – Non Est Asylum

Well, this a superhero supernatural story, and it's not normally my thing, so let's see if Constantine is any good

Yes, and no is my answer, so let's have a look at the pilot checklist:

Does it introduce all the main characters? Erm
Does it introduce their characteristics? Erm
Is the setting established? Erm
Does it establish any on-going plotlines? Yes, possibly

Yeah, this episode has the potential to be a decent story, but it lacked a few things. A lot of people's personalities were all over the place, and despite the idea of the entire series being based around the supernatural, there were actually quite few scary moments.

So a bit about the plot. John Constantine summoned a demon to remove a less powerful demon from a girl; the demon instead took the girl's soul to hell. He blames himself, and everyone else blames him. Now to redeem his soul he must spend his life using various magic things to expel demons from this realm, without damning their hosts to hell.

We also have a bunch of other characters, no idea which ones are sticking around for the long run. We have Liv, the daughter of an old friend of Constantine whose fate is unknown and will likely remain so since she's not gonna be in any other episodes. What excuse they'll make to kick her out I have no idea, but it's odd since she was the other central character to the episode.

We also have Chas, he's… he's… we know next to nothing about him other than he can somehow survive being impaled by an electrical cable… go figure

And we have Manny, and angel trying to watch over and help redeem Constantine. Yeah, that’s nice… Moving on…

We also have a teacher, Ritchie who was also involved when the demons were summoned, and he doesn't like Constantine very much… That was pretty much all revealed about his character

So, I'll be sticking around with this series for the first half of the series, and see if it's worth continuing to review.

Rating 6/10

For more reviews click here

Images used in this review are from Constantine and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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