Monday 8 September 2014

Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 3 - Robot of Sherwood review

Robot of Sherwood

Synopsis: (And I can’t believe I’m saying this) when alien robots team up with the Sheriff of Nottingham and kidnap people from a nearby village, it’s up to the Doctor, Clara and Robin Hood to save the day

OK, after I watched this episode, I saw a Facebook post review calling this a fun episode.


I mean am I the only one who found the Doctor insufferable in this story? Being an a**hole about Robin Hood existing is fine, but since he’s wrong, it got annoying very very quickly. I mean you’d think a 2000 year old time traveller might not dismiss the idea that a legend has some founding in fact.

That and the robot knights looked almost identical to the knights from Battlefield, a classic Doctor Who episode with Sylvester McCoy. If they were going to do a myth-based historical, couldn’t they have done this one? It makes much more sense than robots crashing their spaceship looking for the Promised Land.

Clara was OK in this episode, and by OK, I mean she was the only tolerable person in the story, when she wasn’t fan-gushing over Robin Hood. The fact he uses her as a human shield, forgotten, what an interesting opportunity that would've been.

Mark Gattis’ career as a writer on this show has been mixed. He did the Unquiet Dead, which was OK, he did the Idiot’s Lantern, which was pretty bad, Victory of the Daleks which was utter utter rubbish, Night terrors which if I recall wasn’t too bad, Cold War which was meh, the Crimson Horror which was decent and this, which is sh*t.

But back to the problems with this episode. The space-ship left Earth’s atmosphere before it blew up (thereby reaching the f*cking promised land I bet) but wouldn't there have been at least some effect of something blowing up that close to Earth. Maybe the debris falls as meteors, something!?

If the gold from one golden arrow was enough to give the ship power to escape velocity, wtf were they thinking when they gave it away as a prize, also, a golden arrow fired into the ship by a bow is easily converted into power, despite the fact the rest of it was melted down.

Peter Capaldi is a good actor, and deserves better than this sh*t, in fact, so do most of the actors in the story.

This episode I believe was intended to be fun, but I spent most of it frustrated. They should’ve either done a Robin Hood story, without the robots, or a Robot story without Robin Hood, personally I would’ve preferred the latter.

Rating 4/10

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Images used in this review are from Doctor Who and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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