Saturday 28 November 2015

Star Wars Rebels season 2 episode 7 review - Stealth Strike

Thanksgiving means I'm delivering yet another Star Wars Rebels review as once again, the Empire has a new weapon.

Sorry it's late, I've had a busy week. 

Stealth Strike

This episode delivered in action and had some character development but also suffered with a lot of the same problems the rest of the series has had thus far.

Again, we have these character elements sprung out of nowhere. Whilst Kanan and Rex’s rivalry has been long established and referenced. Ezra being fed up with it… really hasn’t. Not to mention Commander Sato’s lack of confidence in Ezra

But to the plot. Commander Sato and Ezra are brought aboard a new type of ship, one with a gravity well capable of pulling ships out of hyperspace (good job Sabine only now warning us of that potential threat) Rex and Kanan are sent aboard to stealthily rescue them and sabotage the gravity well.

I’ll be honest, there are a lot of funny moments regarding Rex in a Stormtrooper outfit. His comparing of it compared to his clone armour provided some amusement and gives us potential reason why Stormtroopers can’t aim for sh*t (and yet are still more accurate than sand-people – clearly they couldn’t hit the broad side of a mansion)

This also delivers in providing a lot of action, from Ezra using a force lightsaber trick (you don’t see that used very often, I think Anakin might’ve been able to do it in a half-animated episode) and fighting using a mix of his lightsaber and blaster to Kanan and Rex using their combination of weaponry and lightsaber combat.

Now, I have one other problem with this episode, it’s a particular droid named Chopper. Chopper is something of an oddity in this show, we see he’s grumpy, but cares deeply for his fellow rebels. Remember last week he refused to detach the ship unless Sabine was brought aboard. Here, he does manage to sabotage the gravity well, very nearly destroying the ship in the process, also ran over Ezra’s hand whilst he was clinging on to an edge. Chopper is a massive d*ck!

That aside, I liked this episode, but I’ll be glad of the inquisitors coming back and providing some actual challenge to the rebels. 

Rating 7.5/10

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Images used in this review are from Star Wars Rebels and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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