Saturday 31 December 2016

New Years Eve special - Top 5 Rage Issues Cock-ups

OK, this was intended to be done in a lot of stages. I asked for input and nothing came, sadly so I'm having to improvise. But 2016 is over and there's a lot of cr*ppy movies, games and comics to review. 2017 will see me make a start with the Superman movies, hoping to cover 4 of them this year and returns in early 2018. We'll doing a few more DC rebirth reviews and looking briefly at some titles from Marvel Now 2.0, I'll be introducing a new review format which I'll explain later and hopefully I'll be doing a few more crossovers with GregsChan1. I hope to at the very least.

But today is about reflection. So let's take a look at my top 5 cock-ups that I myself have made up.

5. No Mention of Star Wars Special Editions

I was only a very recent Star Wars fan when I reviewed the movies for Star Wars Month back in 2014. I was not even aware the the editions I had watched were re-edits by George Lucas but in hindsight that should've been obvious, given Jabba's appearance and everything. It rather renders my comments about the special effects kinda moot seeing as many of them have been updated. But I probably should've done a little bit of research before going into this one.

4. Copied jokes from other reviewers

I'm talking two-fold here. First off about my running gags, some of them are taken from iconic gags from other reviewers. I'm not planning to apologise for that, I even reference some of them within the reviews themselves. What I should apologise for is when I've copied a lot of their jokes when reviewing the same product. It's natural that similar points could come up in many different reviews but I really should've made more effort to distinguish them. This is most evident in my Cry for Justice, and Rise of Arsenal reviews, and Kill the Moon to a lesser extent, I had a lot less new stuff to say than I thought I did.

3. Hard to read memes

There are a couple of jokes I brought up. First was in my Wedding of River Song review, a reference to a line from Looney Tunes: Back in Action. Second was in my Batman: Forever review, a dragon's Den skit. The text was so small it became outright unreadable and I should've really made a larger copy, which I know how to do now.

2. Spelling Errors

I do proofread every big review I put out, but evidently a few mistakes slip through. I just found a half-dozen mistakes in my 4 issue test of All New All Different Avengers for example. I will try and offer post correction but I can't promise I won't make this mistake in future posts. Bear with me people

1. Images TBA never added

Around September last year I stopped adding images to my reviews to break up the text, instead resorting to more stock clips and memes. The reason behind this is purely down to time-saving, as collecting screenshots requires finding a copy-able source and scrolling through the movie all over again. I decided it wasn't worth my time continuing to do this and ultimately stopped adding pictures. It was during a transitional period when I wrote Images TBA on some reviews, fully intending to add images later, which I did on some occasions. But I really should've either just added them or not put that I intended to.

So, for those 5 screwups, I'm adding another £5 to the coin jar. Unfortunately, since I'm doing this in a rush, I can't show it, but I can say the final total is... £25. This money will be donated to a charity. But I've not yet decided which one. Have an idea for me, post in the comments below.

Happy New Year Everyone

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