Wednesday 6 August 2014

Star Wars Month - Mini Review/Commentary: Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menance

Lego has expanded from being a children's building block, to a franchise surrounding toys, video games and movies, in addition, animated features such as the one I'm mentioning today.

Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace
Yeah, well - It's Star Wars Month

I'm obliged to do 2 reviews a week on Star Wars

Welcome to Lego humour. Self-referencing, fourth-wall breaking, and definitely not in continuity. 
But the big question is it funny?

Well, sort of, I'm gonna do a commentary as opposed to a review, so spoilers

- What Yoda is doing escorting younglings (they're not padawans, they don't have masters) when the war is raging on is anybodies guess

- Younglings in the care of R2-D2 and C3PO, this can only end well

- Like that Anthony Daniels has returned for C3PO

- Who's this mysterious person?

- Classic lego clothes change

- Nice that the republic's secret battle plans are labelled

- Doesn't Assaj Ventress report to Dooku rather than directly to Darth Siddeus

- Darth Vader's in the scene, the 4th wall has just been broken, the rest of the episode will see it smashed to bits

-R2-D2 summarising everyone's opinion about these council meetings

- That's not the chancellor, it's a sith lord! 

- It's the council seat dodgems time!

- So, Ventress had a droid in her pocket? It's Lego, OK

- For once it's chaos and mayhem and Jar-Jar isn't responsible

- Ventress defeated Yoda? Impossible. But doesn't she usually wield two lightsabers?

- OK, maybe she hasn't

- Why did the bus driver quit again?

- Was that supposed to be Darth Maul or Savage Opress? 

- They posed for Photos, OK...

- Well, that hyperspace ring wasn't durable

- I have a bad feeling about this

- That's an odd council meeting, is that a caminoan on the council?

- Yay, someone's making fun of how Yoda talks

- Ouch

- Lego instruction booklet, well that gag went nowhere

- Yoda just asked the question everyone regrets in action shows 'How can this get worse?' (Yeah, Yoda isn't as powerful as in any other media in this)

- Yoda has never faced Darth Vader in known media - pity it's another 4th wall joke

- Is that Cad Bane in that poster?

- Pod racing - incoming!

- "We don't serve droids" they remember, despite the fact that it was several years later in Star Wars time

- That is a really cr*ppy disguise

- Stick head in animal's guts - great way to keep warm

- Read the subtitles folks

- That's a new use for a droid

- Make a new ship, using half the components of the old one, great

- "I can't reach the pedels", use the force!

- How did that jedi find out about the Yonglings?

- Jedi mind tricks on a droid, really?

- Yoda and Ian to the rescue.

- What are the Younglings gaining medals for again?

- So Ian is in fact Han Solo, that's... actually a very good twist

- A Vader and an Ackbar joke finishing us off

Well, that was short - only a 20 minute feature - why does it need it's own DVD release, it's special features add content yes, but given the title of the DVD, the feature should be what's judged and it's short

The humour's sort of hit or miss, if I'm honest. If you like lego humour, you'll probably like this, but if you don't, you probably won't be turned by this.

My advice - buy a collection - don't buy this on it's own.

Rating 6/10

For more reviews click here

Images used in this review are from Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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