Thursday 19 March 2015

Gotham episode 18 review - Everyone has a Cobblepot

I was considering postponing this review, however, I like to keep my promises and I said that in the event of a hiatus, I'd post the review at the scheduled time anyway.

18 – Everyone has a Cobblepot

Everyone has a Cobblepot? That is not a pleasant picture in my head right now

So, Flass is let out of jail, despite the overwhelming evidence, after Bullock ‘admits’ that he falsified evidence against him on the orders of Commissioner Loeb. So now Gordon teams up with our Harvey Duo to find evidence to convict Loeb himself.

Yeah, we’re going down that road, again. You know, the corrupt cop angle begins to bore me to tears. So, I’m glad they spiced things up with this.

But can we just get to the consequences of Jim Gordon throwing away almost every shred of morality to get the job done. The deal with Penguin is a major time bomb and given this series dictates the rise of the Penguin; it won’t be long before BOOM! I’ll get back to the other problem this causes momentarily

So, to confront Loeb, they need to find out about the murder of his wife and since he and Falcone are the only two who know anything, they need someone close, so throw in the Penguin, and the deal that has a 100% chance of biting him in the ass

They find out that his daughter is f*cking nuts (much like the knife wielding psychos in a previous scene) and she is the one who killed her mother. She lives under the protection of two elderly red shirts (I need to watch Star Trek at some point)

So, Gordon decides to blackmail Loeb, by holding his daughter hostage unless Flass gets a fair trial, Bullock’s file is destroyed and Gordon becomes president or something (I don’t know, this plot is so dumb I don’t care anymore) so yeah, if Loeb finds out about Gordon doing favours for Cobblebot, this ruse is over and Gordon will have a file.

With so much dumb in that plot, it’s time for subplot #1 featuring Fish Mooney who for some reason is still alive. She finally meets Dollmacher, and… She becomes a manager. I can’t even fathom the level of dumb here.

Subplot #2 focuses on the aftermath of Alfred’s attack last week. This really should’ve gotten more focus, as we get a reverse of what’s inevitably to come for Batman when he’s injured as well as Bruce promising with Cat as his witness to get the guy responsible (because he’s gonna be Batman someday, did we mention that before, because he is, gonna be Batman I mean…. Did I mention he’s gonna be Batman someday)

Subplot #3 is so short it’s barely worth mentioning. Nygma makes advances of Miss Kringle, but she’s still in love with Flass, and that’s it

This is a dumb episode and definitely not the best to lead into a 6-week break. But maybe it’s enough time to recover our lost brain cells and enjoy the rest of the finale.

Rating 5/10

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Images used in this review are from Gotham and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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