Friday 20 March 2015

The Flash episodes 14-15 review - The Fallout/Out of Time

Yup, it’s now March, and I’m only reviewing the 2 episodes that have aired since the last review, because let’s be honest, the show had to take a break at some point.

The Fallout

So, Ronnie and Martin are separated, sort of. He becomes sort of more like the Firestorm in the comics, able to merge and separate at will, and with Stein being a voice of guidance, rather than in total control. (No sign of element transmutation yet, but… It's coming, I suspect, they have hinted at it) But the danger isn't over, as our old friend Clancy Brown is back, and he’s back with a vengeance (and he knows Barry’s secret identity, because Barry was an idiot and took off his mask)

Anyway, so reconciliation is definitely on the board, as Ronnie seeks to drag Caitlin away from Star Labs so they can start a new life together, whilst Martin tries to make amends with his wife. These are tragically underdeveloped stories sadly, as the momentum of this episode called for this to be side lined.

Meanwhile, we have the time travel part, Joe went straight to Barry with the evidence of him being there as an adult, leaving Barry annoyed that he failed. (And if you're familiar with the source material, you know what happens if he succeeds, it's called Flashpoint and it's one hell of a mess (I'm talking about what the Flashpoint universe is like, not the story itself))

So, Eiling has a few new tricks up his sleeve, and is ready to go toe-to-toe with the Flash (who really should've punched him out, like all his other soldiers before he had the chance to use that nail bomb) using technology that could probably make ARGUS jealous.

And with a 1 month break in their hands, they finish off the Eiling story by having Wells feed him to Grodd, who has the telepathic powers. I am grinning wildly now

Oh, and there's something about Iris trying to figure stuff out about Star Labs… yay

Rating 8.5/10

Out of time

I think we might've caught ourselves a game changer here

But let's start with this: Iris: you are becoming to the same as Laurel lance from Arrow, or Mary Jane from the Raimi films, stop it now!

Anyway, with that out of the way. The meat of the episode focuses on the true Weather Wizard, Mark Mardon, able to do so in smaller ways that creating giant tornadoes.

So, he wants on revenge on Joe, and Joe is idiotically intent on stopping him all by himself, despite the fact that he is clearly not powerful enough and the episode ends with him on a pier about to get killed.

Yeah, let's talk about the real meat of this episode. Cisco digs deeper into why the containment cell was fluctuating back in episode 9, the data shows nothing wrong with the containment cell, so Cisco assumes something amiss and finds out something that says that Joe was right, and that Harrison Wells is indeed the reverse Flash

Except his name is really Eobard Thawne. And my inner geek just shrieked with joy. Eobard Thawne is the Reverse Flash from the comics, so *fangasm* but we find out a little about his motivation. He's somehow stuck in the 21st century and needs the Flash to return. Then was running with the intent of killing him, only to kill his mother by mistake, I think… Yes, his motivation really needs to be explored, right now it's kind of confusing. Oh, and he kills Cisco

But don't worry. The Flash has gone back in time to fix things, or something. I'm kind of confused as to how that ties into next week's episode, which seems rooted in the present, we'll see how it all plays out again next week.

Rating 8.5/10

For more reviews click here

Images used in this review are from The Flash and belong to their respective owners. All images in this review are subject to fair use.

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